The Glory of Bringing Death to Baskets by Murder

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Wren Found Murderbasket, well...where Sunny said she would find him: in front of the hut in the rainforest that was larger than all the others, which she assumed was a palace even though it didn't really look the part. She made a note to not tell Murderbasket that so he didn't go psycho or something. Not that he stood much of a chance against her, though, she just didn't want to have to kill him. She yawned at the thought, then returned her gaze to down below. From her place in the trees, she could see he was standing attentively outside the hut, scanning the surroundings with his eyes and trying to look menacing.

She was going to enjoy unnerving him.

Remembering Sunny's words, she formulated a plan then whispered it to Sky, who was sitting on a branch next to her. Despite him being smaller than most dragons, the branch was still sagging heavily under his weight. Upon hearing her marvelous idea, Sky frowned and wrinkled his snout.

"Wren, he's scared of scavengers because of you," He reasoned. "so shouldn't you try to make him LESS scared of you guys?"

"Oh, little Sky, you're too innocent. That's the whole point. Do you think he'll ever forget the furious talking scavenger who stabbed him? Twice? I have a reputation to uphold!"

"Hmph. I don't like it, but I'll do it because you want me to." He grumbled.

"Thanks, Sky!" Wren exclaimed. "That's why you're my best friend!"

She hugged his neck and in return he nuzzled her with his snout, making her feel warm and fuzzy. Sighing, he took off towards the palace, looking reluctant on carrying out her master plan. He flew about ten tail-lengths before Murderbasket instantly snapped his attention to him.

"Halt!" He ordered. "State your name and business."

"There's a scary scavenger walking around with a dragon dagger!" Sky yelped in a fake, panicked voice. "She can talk, too! She said something like 'I'm gonna murder your baskets' or something, which makes no sense! She's crazy!" Wren stifled a laugh at Murderbasket's expense.

He let out a yelp of alarm. "A-are you sure? W-what did i-it look like?"

"Well, she has long, dark brown fur, is light brown all around, and has a dagger strapped to her back!" Sky listed.

Murderbasket promptly freaked out.

"It couldn't be...could it? There's no way she got out of the sand palace alive." He reassured himself, pacing. He straightened his back and stopped pacing. "Yeah...there's no way."

"Come, please? We need Queen Glory's infamous, fierce bodyguard to capture the scavenger!" Sky pleaded.

"Uh...alright then." Murderbasket faltered, losing his bravado. Sky took off towards the tree Wren was hiding in and he followed, obviously nervous, but doing his best to hide it.

Alright, my turn.

She grabbed a vine and swung down a few seconds before the NightWing reached the tree, cutting off his path. Murderbasket yelped in alarm and desperately started paddling his wings backward to stop.

"Hellooooooo!" She called, letting go of the vine and dropping expertly on Sky's back. She stood up, waving at the basket murderer. "It's me againnn!"

His wings stopped beating and he almost dropped out of the sky, not to be confused with Sky, whom she was standing on.

"Surprise!" Wren cried. "You thought I was dead! Too bad for you, I can't die."

Her old friend looked queasy and ready to faint, so they flew back to the palace in case he decided to take a dive into the ground and kill himself.

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