Commotion in the Ocean

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Everyone who knows OF Wren knows that there's was nothing she isn't good at, which is very intimidating.

That's precisely why she keeps all the things she CAN'T do a secret, except to Sky, who she could never keep a secret from. No, not because "Oh my moons, I love him so much that I can't keep a secret from him". It's because he knows her better than everyone else in the world, and therefore can tell always tell when she's keeping a secret. How he knew, she had no idea, and had a feeling would never know.

Beside her, Sky gave a massive yawn, opening his jaws widely and closing his eyes, which Wren found really cute despite him being twenty times her size. He just wasn't exactly known for being scary. Just mushy, sweet, and funny.

Okay, maybe a LITTLE bit of the "I can never keep a secret from him", but mostly the fact that he would nag me and be SUPER annoying until I exploded or told him what I was hiding.

One of the obscure things she wasn't very good at is swimming. To be fair, she had never really had a chance to practice, since her whole life had been spent in Talisman and on the move with Sky. 

Sure, she could paddle around and stay afloat for a bit, but she looked extraordinarily inadept and stupid, which Sky had not hesitated to inform her of, all the while keeling over in laughter.

I like flying and walking SO much better. There's nothing but open space in the air, and you only have the ground below you on land, but in WATER? You're surrounded by WATER.

But I guess that's pretty much the whole point of being in water.

"Why would anyone choose to swim?" She groused, startling Sky. "Like, if you're a dragon, can't you just, I dunno, maybe FLY OVER THE WATER?"

"But you can't fly."

She facepalmed. "I KNOW. Because I'm not a DRAGON."

"Sometimes I don't even  know if that's true." He muttered.



She narrowed her eyes at him, then let it go. She had more pressing matters at hand, after all.

They were in the Sea Kingdom, on an island not far off the coast of mainland Pyrrhia. Of all the kingdoms, she probably hated this one THE MOST. This was because unless you had wings, which she didn't, you had to swim. 


Even worse, Sky had decided that he didn't want to fly today. In other words, he wanted to see her suffer, which she assumed was revenge for her torturing him when they went to see Clay. She hadn't known that revenge was in his dictionary, and wasn't sure whether she should be alarmed or amused now that she knows it is.

Sighing, she stepped into the water. Her destination was an island that wouldn't be too far away IF she was on foot or in the air, but would take FOREVER to get to by water.

"Sky, are you sure you don't want to just fly us over?" She tried one last time.

"Nope! Wow, my wings are so sore!" He fussed dramatically over his scales, rolling his shoulders.

She rolled her eyes. "Fine! See you over there, slowpoke."

Frustrated, she plunged into the ocean and promptly swallowed a lungful of seawater. As she tried to stand back up to breathe, she realized she couldn't actually reach the bottom. Now she was panicking, flapping her arms in a desperate attempt to try to stay afloat.

This would be the stupidest way to die of all time.

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