In the Mood for Food

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I'm changing the title of this story!


Leaf was screaming in the middle of a cave, surrounded by other likewise screaming animals.

Oh, and also, Wren might add, one hungry MudWing.

She snickered from the crook in the cave where she hid, enjoying watching her mischievous plan fall into place. Leaf is about to become breakfast, or so he thinks.

Now, since Wren was there, one may ask where Sky was, and what he was doing if he wasn't with her.

See, Wren knew that her kind-hearted best friend would never have approved of this plan to torture her brother, so just this once, she decided to leave him in the dark. Literally.

Sky was still snoozing peacefully in one of the student's sleeping caves, completely oblivious of the terror that Leaf was going through and the enjoyment Wren was experiencing from it. She had snuck out and retrieved Leaf early in the morning, when the sun had just broken the horizon, telling him that she wanted to see the sunrise. However, she didn't have time to admire the view, as she had a dragon to catch.

More specifically, she had a human for the dragon to catch upon his return to Jade Mountain, and it wasn't going to be her.

So that leaves Leaf. Leaf, leaves. LEAF is going to be a pile of bones after he LEAVES. Haha!

They had reached the Prey Center exactly upon Clay's arrival. Clay, coincidentally, was still hungry, even after his supposed hunting trip. She wasn't sure if this was because, as Starflight had said, Clay was always hungry, or because he didn't actually do any hunting on his "hunting trip" with Peril.

To Starflight's suggestion and Clay's evident delight, Wren had amassed a large amount of prey in the Prey Center with Fatespeaker's help.

Leaf was among the herd of animals, waiting to be eaten.

Well, maybe waiting wasn't the right term. More like running around and screaming their heads off the entire time.

However, to Leaf's luck and Wren's annoyance, Clay still hadn't noticed him.

As she watched, the giant MudWing snatched a sheep that was bleating in terror. With a jerk of his wrist, Clay broke its neck. The sheep's bleating abruptly stopped, but Leaf's didn't.

"AHHHHH!" he screamed, waving his hands in the air. He sprinted full tilt and, luckily for Wren, tripped on a rock, stubbing his toe. He howled in pain as he rolled across the ground and disappointingly ended up underneath a cow. Relief flashed across Leaf's face and he sighed happily. This plan worked for about a grand total of three seconds until the cow was picked up by massive brown talons.

Leaf's screams only intensified.

Wren's only response was to snicker cruelly. Now, there was no way for Leaf to escape Clay's eyes. His mahogany eyes glanced over her brother, then snapped back. His face flashed with surprise and he jumped, dropping the cow, which almost landed back on top on top of Leaf, which she thought would've been pretty ironic. Then, his eyes softened, but Leaf was too busy screaming to notice. Clay picked up Leaf's thrashing form neatly in one talon

"Please don't eat me! Let me go! Have mercy!" He blubbered, tears streaming down his face. Wren almost felt sorry for him. "The last Mud Dragon I ran into was really nice! LET ME GO!"

Ignoring Leaf's desperate requests, Clay lifted her brother up...

And proceeded to pet his head gently.

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