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". . .And mom, I know he's not around, But don't you place the blame on me. As you pour yourself another drink and. . ."

Kelly's POV

I sat snuggled into the couch with a plush blanket. My Auntie's fireplace filled the room with warmth and the smell of Cherrywood. The sound of Hallmarks corny yet addicting thrillers played softly played through the house. Yes I'm spending the beginning of my Summer home, in the house.

"Would you like a cute decorative snack?" My aunt waddled excitedly from the kitchen with a tray. I turned looking at her with a grin. "What's that?" I said turning my nose up a bit. "Sandwiches and an assortment of fruit. A little snack." She said plopping down next to me. "Only white people do stuff like this." I laughed a bit. "So? They do everything we do. Or at least trying." She rolled her eyes a little. "You ain't never lied." I took a cookie bitting into it watching the tv show.

"You and that girl still talk?" My aunt asked quickly. Looking over at her slowly I just stared for a second. "What, that's a valid question." She looked a me confused. "Yeah it is. That was just a little random." I never broke eye contact.

I was protective over Bey and I's relationship. I didn't talk about it with family. I shared it on Social media only on holidays and or special occasions. That's about it, not to much not to little.

"Soooo, like you guys on a break or something?" She kept pocking. "Why would you say that?" I questioned back lifting an eyebrow. "God damn you are just like yo father, so stubborn and combative." She shook her head laughing. "I calmed myself quickly. "I'm sorry. Where fine. I just got a little defensive." My gave my sincere apology. "Kelly it's fine you talk to me about this stuff." Her hand rubbed my wrist. I looked down into my palm. "Yeah I know it's just. I haven't talked about it with anyone for since dad passed."  It still hurt a little. "Kelly I am here for you. Whatever beef they have, is there sides problem." My auntie grabbed me pulling me closer. I closed my eyes as my head rested on her shoulder.


I came home late on Thursday as usual. Practice ran from three fifteen to six thirty. Since I made varsity dance team I've had to put in longer practices. Opening the front door the house was particularly still for some reason. Usually my mama comes to pick me up from practice, when she doesn't it means she would be working later than usual, but her car was in the driveway so I don't know what that means. Whatever.

If my mother's home she would be cooking  something and my little brother running around the front yard or at least the house. But something felt different. I walked into the kitchen throwing my backpack onto the table. "Mama! Lance!" My voice echoed through the house for my family. Nothing. "Alright I guess imma eat the last pack of asteroids since y'all wanna play." Still nothing. I grabbed the snack moving upstairs till something caught me eye. It was a small brochure layer on-top of a folder.

Jehovah Hill Christian Camp. Fixing the broken, uplifting the dammed one prayer at a time. That's extreme. My mama was always looking some crazy shit up.  Brushing it off I went to my room. My door was cracked open. I assume by my little snooping ass brother. "Lance stay out o" Going in I saw my mother sitting on my bed. I was stuck there for a second.

"Went to your school today. I was going to pick you from practice but you was running late." Her knee started to jump. Was I about to get in trouble for going to practice? "I saw you and that girl." My stomach hit my ass. Fuck, Me.

I had totally forgot. I gave my mother a thirty minutes gay between after practice and picking me up so I could spend time with Megan. My little boo at the time. But now practice was extended no telling how many times she had seen me.

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