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"Said that you'd be working late. For the third time this week. Watch your love go astray. . ."

Beyoncé's Pov

She held my head down forcefully. The arch in her back lifted her from the sheets. Her hips moved with the strokes of my tongue. Her hands full of my golden spirals, pulling and tugging. Calling for me begging me not to stop. "Bey please, I'm almost there." Her legs wrapping around me. I couldn't stop. Victory was so close, I could taste it. The heat off of her skin. The beads of sweat running down her breast. Her body jerked before locking up. The small changing facial expression as she walked the thin line between pain and pleasure. Her warmth clenched to me for one final hoorah. Her echoes of pure bliss bounced off the walls. She was caught at the tips of my fingers. As her body relaxed the movement of my fingers moved up to her clitrous. Her eyes glossed over, her mouth hung open slightly as she moaned for mercy.

The touch of her nail dragging up my back slowly reached my neck. She held my face to her as she looked me in the eyes. Her lips moved closer to mine slightly, as I stopped touching her.

I backed up suddenly grabbing her by the neck. "No kissing." She looked me into my eyes, bitting her lip. I let her go causing her to fall back into her elbows. I got up grabbing my underwear from the cream carpet. "You think just because you don't kiss me it's not cheating. "Megan don't start. My relationship ain't got nothing to to with you. You got what you wanted." I slipped on my bra quickly. "You got what you want too. A couple times actually." Meg wrapped herself in her sheets. My phone vibrated as the screen lit up. "Oop wifeys calling."I hated that grimy little laugh. I grabbed it off the dresser quickly. Kelly's beautiful smile lit up my screen. "Don't say shit neither." I slowly answered my phone.  Meg threw her hands up zipping her lips.

"Hey baby, Wessuh?" I said casually. "W-where are you." Kelly's voice seemed weak. My heart sunk a bit. I turned away from Megan quickly going to look for my jeans. "I told you I was going to the gym baby." I picked the dark was pair up putting them on as fast as I could. Megan sat up trying to peace together what Was going on. "Why aren't y-you answering my text?" She asked Kelly tripped over her words. "Baby I was hooping. What going on? You good?" I sat down on the bed grabbing my AirMax. Megan moves to her knees now sitting behind me closely. The line was silent.

Fuck, I'm caught.

"I just need you to get home, okay?" I could hear Kelly's voice cracking little by little. "Kelly what's going on?" I tired to pull it out of here. Kelly was pretty much an open book. So this has to be damn bad. I tied my shoes before grabbing my hoodie on the chair. "I don't wanna tell you over the phone." Kelly started to cry. "It's okay baby I'm on my way. Just, just hold on." I ended the call moving to my feet quickly. "Uh what a fucking cry baby. What can't I just have to you myself for one day without this bitch-" Megan dangled here feet from the foot of her king sized mattress. I grabbed her pushing her down slightly putting presser on her neck. "Don't speak on her. At all, she is my number one. I don't give a fuck how good you think your pussy is." I let her go getting up. She sat up smiling. I grabbed my keys. "Number one?" She laughed at me. I just rushed towards the door. I got to get the hell outta here. The Hallway let a wisp of cool air into her dorm room. "Hey Beyoncé?" She caught my attention.  She still chuckled through her words. Something is seriously wrong with that girl. I sent her a glare as I looked back impatiently. "Is that why you keep fucking me?"

I clenched my jaw before walking out. I just needed to get home to Kelly.

Twenty-Six Minutes Later. . .

I opened the door quickly. My duffle bag fell off my shoulder onto the hardwood. "Kelly!" I yelled in concern. My palms became sweaty. I
My hand began to shake. If Kelly found out about Megan it would be over. Coming around the corner Kelly sat on the couch wrapped up in a blanket. Her eyes where bloodshot and puffy. What ever it was it was bad.

I came kneeling down in front of her. "Kelly what's wrong?" Her stare was a thousand yards. "My mother died. A sudden relief came across my chest. "Kellz baby I'm so sorry. What happened?" I sat down in front of her. "Lung cancer." I tear rolled down her face. "When's the service?" I got up sitting next to here. "That's if you wanna go." I suggested. Kelly let out a breathe and as two more tears escaped her eyes. "It's the seventeenth." Kelly bit her lip slightly. I upped an eyebrow. I looked down at my Apple Watch hoping I was mistaken. "As in a like twenty days from now?" I was so confused. "As in two weeks ago." Kelly started to shake her leg. "They didn't even have the decency to tell me my mother was dying." Kelly hung her head. "Kelly I need all of this from the beginning." I stood up pacing. Kelly looked up at me. Her eyes reflected exhaustion and disappointment.

"My mother was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer in February. She passed about three weeks ago and uhm- they had the final viewing on on the seventeenth. Only reason I know is because my Uncle Idris told me. And now I have to sneak down there for the spreading of her ashes."

Wow. what the hell? "So nobody told you nothing?" I looked concerned. "Nobody wants the faggot around." Tears ran down Kelly's face. I came down sitting next to her. I held her to me kissing her forehead. "Don't say that? It ain't fair to be beating yourself up because of the way they see you."

Kelly laughed a little bit. Okay, what. "I'm not upset at that. I could count on my toes how many times I've been discriminated against because I'm a black dark skinned gay woman." She wiped her eyes a bit. "I'm upset because I hated her. I think I still do. She was one of the worst people I've ever met but yet I still feel," Kelly began to cry again. I rubbed her back gently. "I feel confused why I'm crying over the loss of someone who essentially didn't have a once of love for me in her body." I bit my jaw quietly.

Kelly always really seemed like a well rounded person to me. When she finally opened up to me about her shitty ass childhood I was confused how she was aint go crazy yet, or even in her position that she is in.

"Sugar it's going to be, okay." I let out a breath. "If you wanna go you should but if not then don't. I'm standing behind what ever decision you make." Pulling the woman in I kissed her temple. The room was hushed for a monument. "I don't know what I'll do. I need to clear my head." She got up going into our master bed.

"Can you come with me?" I moved to the edge of the couch. "Yeah sure. Whatever you need." I got up following behind her. The petite woman slowly shifted under the sheets. Kelly laid on her side very still.

Kelly told me a lot but I know that's not the half of it. I don't force her to tell me stuff she ain't ready to. I can see whatever Kelly was going on about in her head was fucking her up on the inside.

I placed my arm around her waist. Kelly's body heat was almost gone. It's like when she has a panic attack. After she calms down it's almost like her body don't wanna be alive no more but her hearts still beating. She getting really cold. Then she stop eating. Then she locks her self away from everybody. I usually can make it better but I don't know what I'm going to do about this.

Her own family turned on her. She couldn't even "pay respects" or at least tell her mother how she felt. A simple goodbye.

Before I knew it Kelly's soft snores filled the air. Her body moves to the beat of her slow breathing. "It's gone be alright my love." My words fell gently over her ear.

Suddenly a small ding erupted from my pocket. I slowly pulled out my phone. Trying not to wake Kelly I unlocked the device. The small text message block popped up. My stomach started to ache some.

"Made it home safe?" 

Just leave you thoughts please. How y'all think it may end? Or if Bey wrong for stepping out? Why did she? Why does Kelly feel the way she does? Comments on the plot and where it should end.

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