Why'z It So Hard

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"I know I ain't been the easiest to deal with
As of late. Twenty-two, with a lot on my plate. . ."

Beyoncé's Pov

The blue sky above me was bright baby blue. The splotchy white clouds let nothing but sunlight in. The heat from the rays reflected off my skin. The sweat beads on my skin made it almost iridescent. The hot sand underneath my body hugged me. My chest heaved in and out.

*WWWWWWWWWWEEEOOO* "KNOWLES GET YO ASS UP! THE HELL YOU THINK YOU AT A BEACH!" Coach Hill yelled at me for the fiftieth time this practice. I had been busting my ass at the triple jump for about forty five minutes of practice. I sat up slowly. Leaning back onto my hands my side burned like a bitch. "KNOWLES I SAID MOVE IT." I got up shaking the sand out on my spandex. Going back to the starting line, I took a deep breath and calmed my nerves.

Coach whistled sounded, my feet left the ground. It seemed as if I was floating. The sound of my cleats throwing turf behind me fueled me. The first white line approached. My cafes pushed me to my second leap. Come on Bey you got this. I got the third. I started to doubt, what if I don't make it? What's if I don't get drafted? What if all this practice is for nothing? I want it so bad, but it's like I can barely reach it. I have to show I deserve this. Every seconds moved in slow motion. I was suspended in the air. Fuck, I hit the ground . And my feet pushed me as I slipped back. My back was yet again in the sand.

"DAMN IT KNOWLES!" Coach pinched the bridge of his nose calming himself. "You know what, you're done. I don't know where your head is at today but it isn't here. Go home." 

At stood up quickly. "But coach I can do it!" I yelled. "I don't wanna here it Knowles! You're outta here." I kissed my teeth going to the gate.  Everybody else stared as I took the walk of shame back to the school. Grabbing my things I slipped on my warmup. I snatched my backpack up never stopping to look back in embarrassment.

I don't know what was going on with me. My grades where slipping and I was going to be kicked off the track team. That's if my horrible performance in these past weeks didn't get me there first.

I flung the Gymnasium door open letting sunlight into the building. The cool AC pushed the sticky hairs out of my face. I looked down onto the court. I scanned the floor as I heard the squeaking of sneakers. I went into the bleachers looking harder for my girl. My attention was caught by her.

Her spandex hugged her figure

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Her spandex hugged her figure. Her T shirt matched the  lime green hints in her bottoms. Her short bob was cut perfectly above her shoulders. She stood in the front of the group of girls. Kellys eyes frowned a bit as we locked eyes. She knew I was a little earlier than usual today. I grinned as I sat down in the bleachers.

I gave her a side smile."Kelendria focus." Her Dance coach yelled at her. She snapped back to her stance. 

The speaker started to play as I watched. Her practices where always longer than mine. But I was especially early today. "Probably heard I was broke from a broke from a broke nigga." Da baby's lyrics blasted through the gymnasium. Our Dean usually just let them play whatever In there practices as long as they looked good. Kelly threw up two of her fingers. She started to dance. Her hips moved to the beat. Black and forth as she performed the choreography she practiced day in and out. Soon after the girls followed behind her. Until everyone was done.

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