Nights Like This

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Kelly's Pov

I opened the sliding door slowly. The bright sun cascaded across the green grass, almost reflecting off it. The sound of the wind moved across the back yard sipping the the grass. Putting my hand over my eyes to find them. They stood across the yard. They all looked at each other as they held different parts to the bouncy house.

Shutting the door I walked out the house to the three stooges. As I approached them I listened to the conversation.

"No hold it down over there." Jay said to Bey. "I am it won't stay down." She laughed a bit. "Lemme help you." Lance tried to go to Bey. "Lance no, no. You can't hold both." Jay looked between them both. "Lemme just get mine down and I'll help you guys." He took the mallet in his hand. He is going to hurt himself. I laughed at the thought. Swinging down jay hit it once. The second time he came swinging down onto his thumb.

Son of a muthaf-mhmm." He held his hand. "Shit "Lance you okay?" Bey ask concerned. "I'm Lance." Lance said quietly. "My fucking finger." I walked over to him laughing a bit. "Welp at least you got it in." I held his wrist examining his thumb. Over his shoulder he glanced at the peg fully in the ground. Before laughing we both turned back to the house.

"Wow babe I'm hot can you assist me to the house?" Beyoncé made a joke. My blood boiled a little. Unlucky her I was not amused in the slightest. "Of course honey, drop a mallet on you thick ass suck first." I said with a smile before turning back. Jays face of awe and confusion stayed as his eyes stayed glued to me. "Sheesh." He mumbled under his breath. Not waiting for a reaction I slowly helped Jay to the back patio.

"Sit down while I get you some ice." I walked into the house quickly. Grabbing a bag of frozen kale chips. "Where you going with my chips?" Auntie Lolas face stayed concerned. "Jay smashed his thumb." I said hand on the door. She just shook her head laughing. "That boy always doing something to himself." "You telling me." I said on the way out the door." The sliding door clicked behind me. I kept a smile on my face thinking about my aunties humor. "Y'all laughing at me?" Jay held his wrist tightly. "Yeah because you stupid. No matter how simple the task you still manage to get yo self tied up." I shook my head slightly putting pressure on his thumb with the ice. He flinched a bit. "I ah uhm do not." He gritted through his teeth a little. I laughed just shaking my head.

Jay and has always been my favorite. Don't get me wrong I love both my cousins. But me and Jay have always had this level of comfortability with me. Especially after I came out to him.

"Speaking uh of tied up. What was that?" He asked curiously. I stayed looking down at his hand. "What do you mean?" I could feel myself being pulled back into a pit of anger. "You kinda snapped at Bey." He stated trying to look at me in my face. "We just had a little disagreement." I bit my lip some." I looked up at him. "Hum," he said said sitting back. "Jay it's nothing." I twiddled my thumbs. I knew I couldn't lie to him, but I'm still going to try. "Okay, I'm not going to bug you about it." She grinned at me. "But if you do wanna talk about it later. I'm always, you know . . . here." He chuckled a bit. "I know Jay. Everything's good honestly." I got up with a smile.

I walked into the house. The truth was that everything wasn't okay. And I as of right now I don't think it will be.

"Kelendria!" I heard my Lucia Aunties voice ring. "Auntie!" I smiled going to her. I embraced her tightly. "Look at you hunny, still as gorgeous as ever." Her soft palm hugged my face. I smiled brightly as her words warmed my heart. "Well I get it from y'all." I referred to my fathers side. She laughed a bit letting me go. "Where Tey?" I said excited. "Probably upstairs on that damn phone talking to that damn boy." She rested her hand on her hip. We laughed together. Auntie Lola cleared her throat. "If you two are done. I need help setting the table set."

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