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"I've been broke. You've been broke. Your heart still broken. I'm still broken and Breakin' down weed."

Kelly's Pov

I laid in an empty room. The walls where painted this creaming yellow with white base bores. A single mattress help on top of a metal bed frame bolted into the ground. The drawers all contained combination pins to there access. Nothing but the light from the ceiling came in. Beams creating shadows from sun.

I did alot of things in this room. Read, study, and write. Mostly collages and my cousin back in New York. But my favorite pass time, watch the sky. Sometimes I would dream about flying away other times I would dream about what my friends from back home were doing? Or did they forget about me? Other times I just count the clouds. That's what I have been doing since I got here two weeks ago.

The door beeped as it came open moderately quickly. A very familiar woman came in, her sneakers tied tightly, her drab mint green scrubs and a itchy looking cardigan to go over it. Mr.Nathan. "Kelly recreational time." His flat voice echoed. I got up slowly. I frowned my eyebrows at him. I hadn't talked much since I got here. He leaned against the wall. "Kelly the sooner you relax the easier it will be. Hey maybe you'll make some friends." I rolled my eyes as I walked past him. I heard the beep behind me as my door clicked shut.

Chatter bounced in the hallway. Teenage sweatpants hoodies and oversized teas almost blocked my way. People talked to one another. It's like a high school sleep over until it's time to go. So far its not what I imaged a concentration camp would be. I walked to the big glass doors staring out of the window. It's was almost as the green grass and open sky taunted me. I don't crave freedom. It's just what I deserve.

The doors opened magnetically. The moving back of the glass barriers slowly let the sun in. The warmth touched my skin. I looked up feeling the rays across my face. Kids from the ages of six to twenty rushed around me. I looked down to see everyone scattered. The masculine presenters played ball, the "girls" sat to the side and watched. It's was so funny how even in a prison like this heteronormativity still had its place.

My eyes roamed for a place to think. It's all I seemed to do these days. I walked the base line of the court a I scanned my so rounding. Younger kids used chalk on the blacktop as others slightly older than them performed double Dutch as if they had been practicing together there whole lives.

Suddenly something struck me in the side of the head causing me to hit the pavement. "BALL!" I heard a young man yell before a fit of laughter burst out. I slowly got up. A small ringing in my ear erupted. I held my it as I limped away slowly.

I walked over to a car off swing kind of in a cut. I plopped down. My little slippers dangled right above the patches of dead grass. I leaned my head against the cold chain. I looked up at the sky. It's like they tried to make this place as home as they could, but it wasn't. It was wrong . Countless children where being "changed" from who they felt as though they truly were.

"Hey!" A hand snapped in my face louder. I looked down slowly. I was met to be face to face with a group of girls maybe a little. "You good chocolate drop?" I stared blankly. "You def or something?" I stared blankly. "Oh she stupid. Pat knock this bitch out." A more masculine woman turned to a girl. She was brown with a long ponytail. I didn't have the time. Getting to my feet I tried to exit the situation quickly. A sudden grabb at my hair threw me to the ground.

The air rushed out of my lungs quickly. The first blow to my ribs, then another. I grabbed her ankle trying to stop them from coming. "Let me the fuck go." The brown skinned girl used her other foot stomping my side. "Augh!" I cried out in pain. "Back up!" She pushed everyone out of her way. She grabbed me by my shirt throwing my head to the concrete.

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