Love You Too Much

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". . .You're such a fuckin' woman. But you're such the fucking one."

Kelly's POV

The warm sun hitting my face woke me a bit. The shift of Bey's body as my arms wrapped around her forced me to open my eyes. My chin perfectly tucked into her collarbone. My palm rest perfectly on her. Her skin was warm and smelled with the hint of brown sugar. Her blond hair pulled perfectly into a top knot. Her body shifted some more with her grabbing my hand.

"Good morning." She grabbed my hand. Her lips met the back of my hand gently. Her love sent shivers up my spine. "I know your still upset with me. I'm sorry." Throwing the covers off me
I moved away from her slowly. As I came to my feet Beyoncé let out a small breath.

I wasn't upset with Bey anymore, as much as I was disappointed. She didn't explain to me that she hadn't spoken to her mother about us. I had faith in her from the beginning to tell me the truth as I did to her.

I went into the master bath brushing my teeth. I washed my face as well. Picking up my rat tail I parted my hair combing one side than the other. It hung evenly above my shoulders. Returning to the room Bey sat up on her side of the bed looking at her phone. I threw one of Beys hoodies, and pair of my sweats. As I reached for the doorknob Bey called out to me.

"I understand you mad at me. But you ain't finna leave like now." I turned to meet with those beautiful brown eyes. I was breaking inside. My poker face was unbeatable though. Turning to her I came over kissing her cheek quickly. "I'm going to get litter and name plates for Naomi."

Me and Bey has decided that we wanted a puppy after we moved in with each other. But her uncles apartment didn't allow animals over twenty five pounds. So a cat will do. We went looking for one and decided on a Sphinx. We pick her up next month. But for now we just picking stuff out for her.

"Bye love you." She said turning her mouth to the side. "I love you too Giselle." I closed the door behind me. "Well good morning sweetie." Beyoncé's mother stood at the island. Her glasses lightly sat at the tip of her nose. I jumped a bit. "How you doing ma'am?" I said throwing my keys in my pocket. "I didn't mean to startle you. Off early?" She asked cracking a egg into a bowl. "I'm just going to run a couple errands." I stood with a smile. "Alright sweetie you come on back you hear?I can't make all this breakfast just for me." I nodded. "Yes ma'am." Grabbing my TopThrees I slipped on my sneakers and headed to door.

Thirty Minutes . . .

I drove away from my complex as the speakers in my car rung. I did want to pick up those things for Naomi. But I also wanted to drive and clear my head it was the best alone time I could get around here.

"Hey stinka butt." My cousin answered the phone. "Teyana stop playing wit me." I laughed a little. "Alright Wessuh man. What you and Bey into now?" Her Newyork accent was heavy. "Why you figure it got something to do with her? I can't just be saying hello?" I questioned.  "One no you can't and I saw you tweet  "I be taking unnecessary L's.". I was like here she go." She laughed a bit. "Okay but this is serious." I tried to make it different.

I'm not the one to take to social media. I just tweet how I feel rarely.

"Beys mother doesn't know about me. Or the fact that she's gay. So that means all those "oh I don't want them to know till where official" or the "let's take our time, and I don't think they are ready to meet you" was all lies." It was quiet for a minutes. "How did this come about?" She asked slyly. "I just came home early to surprise her and found her mother in the fucking living room. Her mother came in and she didn't even tell me. Lying again. Like ugh! Men are liars, but women are sooo Ma-Ma-Manipulative." I ranted.

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