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"If I told you that you rock my world, I want you around me. Would you let me call you my girl, my girlfriend, my girlfriend?"

Beyoncé POV

After Kelly had hung up I had just been sitting here. The soft plush pillow billowed my head. I rolled over onto my side looking over to her side. My head ran with everything going on.

I love Kelly. I don't know why I hadn't told my mother. Maybe I was scared, why? Honestly I don't know. I'm not sure how my mother would react. I was brought up in a Christian family, but my mother had never spoken on that "life style" before.

"Beyoncé, can you come back in here." She yelled. I sat up slowly rubbing my eyes. Tossing the covers off me I stood to my feet quickly. I slipped on my crocs before I went into the living room. My t shirt hugged my body tightly before it cut off above my belly ring. My sweats hung off me right below back dimples.

"Ma'am?" I stood in the door way to the open floor plan of the rest of the house. "Come in here and keep me some company." She said whipping batter in a bowl. I studied my hands in my pocket going to sit. Plopping on the bar stool I stayed as quite as I was a before. I took out my phone quickly, Candy Crush here I come.

"Beyoncé when I said keep me company I meant talk to me. Not play them damn cellular games." I put my phone down, face up of course. "That's wrong with y'all young folk. Don't know how to say nothing to nobody if its not in a bubble." She shook her head. "That's not true. I can talk, about almost anything in-fact. I stated truthfully. Which was almost true about ninety ninety-nine point nine percent of the time. "Okay. When am I going to meet the boy you keep texting." Point one. My blank face was unreadable. "I don't have a boyfriend Mama." Said truthfully. I have a girlfriend. "You talking to somebody on the other side of that phone." Poured pancake batter into the pan.

"Why it gotta be a boyfriend though?" I pushed my luck. I just said that to see what her response would be. "Girl you ain't smiling like that for no reason. I see the glow on you." She turned looking over her shoulder.

It was quiet for a second. Mama grabbed a bowl and eggs. Seasoning them whipping at the yokes. This simple task seemed to take forever as I drifted thinking. Kelendria makes me happy. Her voice. How she holds me at night. Making sure I always have my epipen with me. The big things and to minuscule, she takes care of me.

I grinned at the thought. Then it suddenly disappeared. "What about a girlfriend?" I blurted the question. I instantly regretted it not knowing how my mother would take it. She was quiet for a second. "Well I don't know. Is it?" She questioned continuing her task. "It depends on how you would react." I said truthfully. I didn't want to feel any worse at the moment. My stomach turned into knots, almost making me sick. "If it wasn't I would hope he was a rounded young man. If he happened to be a she then hope she is just as a good person to you as he would. As long as you good. It wouldn't make me no never mind." I watched my mother closely. Her poster didn't change neither did her voice. No sudden need to leave or change conversation. All without a negative response. It was almost, unbelievable.

"So if I had a girlfriend for a minute and decided to move in with her. You wouldn't be upset?" I gave off hints. "Are you referring to that sweet girl you living with?" The sound of the eggs hitting the oil cracked a bit. "Uhm, Yes." I was already there I might as well lay it all out on the table. My mother took it all in. The smell whipped past my noise as we sat in silence. "You remember that time you tried out for the soccer team when you where younger?" My mother brought back memories. "Yeah I didn't like it more than track." I laughed a bit.

I hated it after one practice. My mother tried talking to me. My coaches tried, but nothing worked. I could keep up with speed and insurance my performance was okay, I just chose track.

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