She Like I'm Like

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"I asked you a question, so answer my question. 'Cause them the same hoes you impressin'. Type of shit you be on? And you all on your phone. Now, um, who the fuck are we textin'?"

Kelly's Pov

I stood on the sideline as Bey came out of her blocks. She hit the curb hard, her head driving forward then slowly lifting as she sprinted. She gained past almost all her competitors. One bye one her strides gave her the lead. She went for her hand off. Beyoncé's teammate grabbed the baton as she took off next.

As she took it Bey slowed behind her. But something looked,wrong. Beys face looked funny, and she started to limp of the track. I felt a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. Her knee gave out and she collapsed where stood. A hush rushed over the stands at once. I came to my feet slowly. "Go girl." My cocaptain assured me that she had everything handled. I flew down each cement step aso fast that it almost felt like I wasn't touching them. My shinny majorette uniform reflected as the moonlight hit it.

As I entered the field I ran straight toward Bey. Her coach and teammates crouched over her. "Aaaaaugh Fuck!" Bey grunted out. I shoved through people to get closer to my love. Bey held clutched the back of her thigh. "My fucking leg!" She grunted trough her teeth. Her coach waved a medic over to him. The man examined her leg closely. He used his gloves hand to poke her up leg slowly. "Shit." Bey winced in pain. The man looked at her coach. "It look strained, shell be okay in the next week or so." He assured Bey was fine.

"No I have people coming to see me next week." The trainers to professionals. It was silent between all of us. Bey runs a her curb in 10.98, I'd be worried too. "I'm going to handle it Knowles. You worry about getting better." He helped her sit up. She grunted as she rose up. The crowd cheer and whistled.

Her coach under one arm and me under the other we swiftly moved. "Fuck." Bey let out a curse as she plopped down on the cold silver metal. She slightly leaned off the hurt limb. Beys teammates came over to the bench. "You okay? Knowles you need a ride home." A heard a feminine voice. I instantly stopped. "I'm not going to be able to drive I don't think." Bey tried to relax her body. "I'm perfectly capable of driving you home." I said nicely. I tried to keep my composure. "Kelly you can't just leave the game. You still have your team." I could see what Bey was saying, but all of a sudden a wave of jealousy came over me. "I think I can drive my girlfriend home. Bey would you like that?." She glared at me. She sat quietly as she shook her head. "Okay." I think we where at the same level of understanding.

Getting up I took a breathe. I grabbed Beys things to take to the car. The setting sun met the grass making an assortment of yellow, orange, pink blue and green. I hit the little unlock symbol on my key three times. The white lights on a 2017 Acura lit up. The sound of the engine starting made a low rumble.

I unlocked the door throwing our things in the back. I gentley shifted my cars gears pulling off to the gate. Bey cling to her teammates as she limped to the car. My door came open as I hopped out to open the door for her. "Thank you baby." She mumbled and grunted as she now held onto the seat. "Carful now." I stood closely to make sure she was secure. "I got it." Bey threw her leg into the car as she plopped down. The small humming noise came from her phone. "Sheesh." Bey dug into her pocket. She hit the power button throwing it into her lap.

I closed her side gently. I went to the other side quickly. "Thank you for that. I appreciate it." I hugged Trey. "No problem sweetheart." He let me go waving.

Sitting down in the car I threw my seatbelt on. I backed out of the lot and I was off. I wanted Bey to get some rest.

Bey sat looking out of the window. Her phone dinged lighting up her screen. Before I knew it she was in her phone. "Who's that?" I questioned. "Nobody." The quickness in her voice. I clenched my jaw gripping the wheel. I brushed it off trying to to make conversation. "You hungry? I can make you some" "I'm good." I was cut short by yet another sharp response. Okay, what the hell. I took a road off to an empty gas station. Pulling into the yellow box on the pavement I threw my car in park causing a slight jerk.

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