Chapter 2

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I lazily opened my eyes and groaned then looked at the time on my night stand.
Fucking hell! !
8:49 a.m.! !!!!
I scurried out of bed and ran into the bathroom and groan.
Do i really have to bath? Am as late as it is.
I go back to my room and open my closet and pick out a pair of jeans , a white shirt and my baggy hoddie.
This will have to do I'll bath when I get home.
But Mr Johnson will be there do I really want to show up in school all  smelly and sticky and sweating? What would he think of me ?

I groaned and looked at the time again. 8:51 a.m.
Screw it. 
I discard my clothe and quickly went into the bathroom to wash my face and do some girlie business if you know what i mean.
I wear my jeans then my shirt and yawn scrunching my nose in disgust. 
What's that smell.
I inspected my body then my mouth and almost died.
I haven't brushed.
I run into my bathroom and tripped planting my ass on the floor.
"Fuck this! "
My jeans got wet!
Why does the universe hate me?
I pour mouth wash in my mouth and grab my brush brushing as fast as I can.
I rinse and dropped my brush on the sink top and sighed remembering my wet jeans. 
I pull both my shirt and jeans off and decided to wear a gown instead.
I spray some perfume and apply some deodorant and lip gloss them wore an alice band.
Once i was done it was roughly after 9.
I grab my schoolbag and practically ran downstairs then stopped mid way.
What the....
I slowly made my way towards her and gasped.
"Mom! "
I knelt down beside her and shook her. "Mom! "
I pressed my head on her chest checking for a pulse.
"Wake up Mom! Wake up! "
I quickly picked up the medicine bottle to see what she had take.
"Anti depressants ....take two pills daily.  "
I felt something trail down my cheeks and quickly touched it.
Was I...crying?
I quickly stood up and picked up the phone and dialed 911.

It rang and rang and rang then a woman answered.
"911 what's your emergency? "
"Yes my Mom...she...I think she overdosed.  "
"An ambulance is on the way what you address? "
I looked up at the ceiling to stop the tears from spilling.
"Hello? "
"Um...21 Williams street..."
"Okay turn her over so that she stays on her side. Have you checked for a pulse? "
"Yes..I don't know. I guess she's still has one. No more questions just fucking hurry up! "
"Calm down Miss. "
"Don't tell me to calm down..." I threw the phone aside and went to my mother. "Mom! Am sorry for yesterday. I didn't mean it Please Mom wake up don't leave me. Please. " I felt a tightening in my chest then the door busted open and paramedics rushed in and did whatever...then carried her outside in a stretcher into their vehicle and I wasn't far behind. 
"Are you okay? "
I looked at the blonde lady infront of me.
What kind of stupid question is that? "How do you expect me to feel? "
I walked past her and joined them in the vehicle and held my mother's hand till we got to the hospital. 


I sat down and rocked my self trying to process the news I had just received. 
How did this happen? Why didn't she tell me she was sick?
Why didn't she tell me.
"Paige! "
I looked up and gasped. "Mr Johnson? What are you doing here? "
"I heard about your Mom how is she ?"
I blinked back the tears and  shook my head. "She's...she's not going to make it."
Immediately I said that I busted into tears and he wrapped his arms around me to comfort me .

"It's my fault. It's all my fault Mr Johnson! I shouldn't have said those things to her.  I shouldn't have called her those names. I shouldn't have said that I hated her. "  i said sobbing. 
"Shh. It's not your fault relax, she'll be alright. Okay. "

"I'm scared. I know I told her that i wished she was dead but I didn't mean it I swear. It's just so fucking hard with school...and homework and my father leaving us. I'm so tired Mr Johnson.  So tired. " I couldn't help it. With his arms around me I felt safe and secured.
"It's okay calm down armor. Have you eaten something today? "
He asked rubbing circles on my back.
"No. Am not hungry. Yet. "
He chuckled and pulled away smiling. "You know am here if you need me right? " he asked but I couldn't answer because he was looking at me with a kind of look that I didn't understand. 
I opened my mouth to answer then closed it as he caressed my cheek.
I gave him a sad smile and he returned it and stood up. "Come. "
I rose an eyebrow. "Come ? Where are we going? "

"I'm treating you too lunch.  "
I shook my head embarrassed. Lunch! He wants us to go to lunch!
"Is that a no or a yes ?"
I don't want to be alone right now but this isn't right. Going out with him. He's married.
"We can't.  "
"We can't? Or you don't want to?" he said ...more like spat at me.
His gaze turned cold and angry.

"I want to. You don't know how Much I want to but we can't. You're my teacher and am your student. We just....can't. "
He laughed in this crazy way that gave me the hibby gibbies.
"Mr Johnson?"
All of a sudden his face turned serious and he just walked away leaving me there flabbergasted that he did such a thing.

"What just happened? "

"Hey my friend! How are you?"
Lulu sat beside me and Zach stood beside her.
I sighed. "Hey guys. I feel...I don't know how I feel right now. "
Lulu looked at me with sympathy and I frowned.
I hate that look.
"Can we please change the subject to relieve my stress. "
Lulu nodded and shifted for Zach to sit down. "Hey Zach. "
He smile. "Hey pait? How it you? "
Zach has a speech disorder where he can't pronounce the letter 's' at all and joined letters. So bear with him.
"Am fine Zachy. "
He smiled and touched my hand then moved back.
"So I saw Mr you know who outside. What did he come for? "
I blushed and saw Zach frown.
He's always hate Mr Johnson I wonder why.
"He came to comfort me and weirdest of things happened. "
"What? " Lulu asked helping Zach to adjust his sleeve. 
"He asked me to go to lunch with him and when I said no he got angry and left. "
Zach moved forward to look at me. "Didt he hit you ?"
"What? no. What would he do that? "
Zach set his lip into a thin line and furrowed his brow.
"Can we leave this place? " Lulu asked.
"I don't think I can my Mom hasn't woken up yet I want to be here when she does. I feel so guilty. "
"Oh honey. She'll be fine but remember our final exams are coming up and you want to get that scholarship right? So you have to go home, eat,have a shower and prepare for the exams so we can leave this stupid town and go to college together.  Remember we said that we'd leave no one behind.  Do you understand what am saying? "
I nodded. "But my Mom is more important right now. Let's stay a little longer but if you get tired and you need to leave I understand so no hard feelings. "
Lulu sighed. "I would have loved to stay but you know our parents won't want us out late as..." she looked at Zach then back at me and whispered. "The killer still hasn't been caught. Everyone is scared. "
Yes they are right.
The whole town is. No more parties and night strolls.
We even have a curfew. Everyone has to be home before 6:30.
"No need to explain. I'll be fine. "
Lulu hugged me and so did Zach indirectly cos he was hugging Lulu. "I love you guys. "
Lulu giggled. "We know, right Zach? "
"Yeth. "
We all started laughing forgetting all about our problems and troubles.

Am backkkkk!
Hope you're enjoying the book so far.

Is it me or is Mr Johnson acting weirder?

Why do you think Zach shut his mouth when Paige said no?

To find out those answers you have to continue the book because things are not always what they seem.


Hah! ! Close your Windows. We don't want that nasty killer to get you! !!
Lol right now !!

#Chelsea #

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