Chapter 10

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Naturally I would retaliate and I knew that was what he wanted me to do and I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of seeing me break.
I flinched as he banged the door and shivered when the warm breeze of Blossom Valley caressed my cheek.
Sighing out loud I decided to make myself breakfast which consisted of some cereal and milk. I've always hated cereal but I eat it because that's like the cheapest thing we....I can buy right now.
"You said it Mom, we'll never know when our time's up. It just kinda happens.  " I said as I munched on the cereal with teary eyes. "See Mom am eating.  Am eating for you.  " I shoved another spoon full into my mouth with tears rolling down my cheeks. "Hmm eatm.." I swallowed. "Am eating...say you're proud of me. "
I spoke and it seemed that all I was saying...all I wanted my mother to tell me weighed heavily on my chest and I just sat there and started sobbing. 
"You've never told me how proud you are of me," I pushed the half empty bowl away shaking and red. "You died calling me a disappointment! What changed? " I asked and received a thunder clap instead.
I opened the door hesitating for a moment then stepped outside. 
I shivered. 
First rainfall  of the month are always like this around here. It starts with the rumbling and the howling of the wind then a few minutes later it begins to pour...literally it just pour and pours for hours with thunder strikes and lightning.
You get the gist.
I reached inside to grab the coat hanging on the rack by the door then decided against it. 
I shut the door behind me and walked all the way to the station. 

By the time I reached there my fingertips were blue from the cold and I was soaked from head to toe. An let's just say someone wasn't happy with the state I arrived in.
"Jesus christ Paige! Are you crazy or something. " Bryan said catching the attention of a few other men in the room.
I saw that his jacket had been discarded and his Maroon turtle neck clinged to his biceps and I smiled. "Warm welcomme here.." I whizzed out directly it to him.
He frowned then sat me down on a chair that was close by and made me wear his jacket. 
"Will you...ehm...never mind. "
"Here. " A grown like version of Bryan said and I smiled while  muttering a thanks then slowly brought it to my lips welcoming the hotness into my system.
"What are you doing here Paige? "
I sniffled then rubbed my nose absent mindedly. "I couldn't stay there..I have always hated thunder strikes and lightning..I wouldn't be able to stay there even if I wanted to. "
"I'll leave you two to it. " Kyle said walking back to his desk.
"Thanks Kyle! " he made a gesture with his fingers as his reply then I felt something hot on my lap and looked at Bryan.  "You have to take off your sandals your feet feels ridiculously cold so let me help you. "
I wanted to give in but instead I shook my head. "Am here for my mother's belongings.  " Bryan's remained on my lap as he searched my eyes. What he was looking for I don't know...up until  now I've never asked him.
He scoffed then stood up and went to his brother. 
They whispered between themselves and turned to look at me before continuing their argument. 
I paid them no mind though.  While they were arguing I stood up and walked to where they supposely kept the things of my Mom.  
"Paige don't go in  there. " his brother tried to hold him back but he shrugged his brother's hand off his shoulder. "Why? "
"Trust me Paige not want to go in there at all.  " he said trying to cajole me to come to him.
"My mom's body is in there isn't it ?" Bryan's features softened.  "Don't do this to yourself paige...please..Don't.  " I shook my head.  "I have a right to see her...I want to mourn her. "
"I understand what you're going through but.."
"No you Don't Kyle! Quit fucking with not a child that you can just manipulate.  Have you ever lost one before? " Bryan and Kyle looked pained but I didn't care.  "But you haven't lost two before.  You still have a dad, heck you even have a step mom and you have each other! And you stand before me and fucking feed me that bullshit! Of how you understand how I feel? "
Kyle stared at me calculating. He has always known me to be as stubborn as a damn goat so...
"Fine." he muttered.
"Wait, what? She can't see that! " Kyle turned to Bryan angrily.
"She's her mother and if she wants to have nightmares all in the name of mourning her Mom then let her be damned by her own choice. " he reached into his pocket and threw a silver key my way. "'ll see your mother's things in there and be quick. The body will soon be taken to the morgue.  " with that he walked away an evident fire of anger brewing in his eyes so I kept silent till he had left ...till Bryan and I were alone.

I smiled at him. "Please Bry. I need to give myself a kind of closure. Please? "
He nodded slowly. "Thankyou."
He just brushed past me and opened the door.
I sharply inhaled then exhaled.
I turned around then entered into the room. A piercing sound reached my ears. At first I was confused then I realized the sound was coming from me...
I was screaming at the sight infront if me...
"Paige..." I looked at Bryan who had a solemn look on his face. "He..he..."
Bryan pulled me into his arms. "I know. Call down. "
"Oh my God! "
"Shhh. Am right here. " he said as he rubbed my back but that was doing very  little to calm me down am sure if you saw what I was seeing right now you'll probably feel all the emotions I was feeling.
Her body was battered with cuts and bruises. 
Her once brown hair was now dark brown from dirt,blood and grim.
That wasn't even the worst part.

The worst part was...... he had maimed her. Cut her up like an animal.

And.....Oh God!

Her fingers....they were....gone.

"I swear," I said coldly. "If I ever find him I won't hesitant.  I'll kill him! I swear I'll kill him! "
Bryan held me tighter as I cried. "We'll get him Paige. I'll get justice for you and all the others who have died on the hand of that psyco. "
That made me raise my head from his chest. "Justice? No Bryan. I don't want anyone to punish him for me. I want to do it my self."
I stared at my mother's body.  "I'll cut him up like he did my mother. Even if its the last thing I do. I'll kill him myself! "
I said digging my nails into my hand fuming and staring at my mother's dead eyes. "I promise mother. I will avenge your death, I swear it. "

I literally cried after writing this chapter. It felt personal. 
But of course it is...wouldn't you do the same for your mother?
If No then ask your self why?
Regardless of what she has done to you she is still your mother.

Just like Paige who learnt it the hard way that you don't know what you have until you loose it.

Chapter 11 next.

There's a surprise.

#Chelsea #

The killer within ( A Chelsea Edition) Where stories live. Discover now