Chapter 8

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Miguel- Angel POV

I found my way out quickly reason being that if I stayed any longer I would have shut the door in that stupid blonde's face and pulled paige to her bedroom, locked the door then show her that I own her...but then what's the fun in that?
Am not like that...he's like that not me.
I sighed and walked faster. 
An image of me pounding into her flashed in my head and I groaned. She'd be whimpering and moaning...literally screaming...

Yeah screaming...
I groaned again feeling uncomfortable.
I needed a release before I did something stupid and then I'd never forgive myself and then an additional voice would taunt me.
I slipped in through the back door and opened the fridge.
"Where were you ?"
I turned around with the carton of milk in my hand and sure enough there was my wife. "It's none of your business. "
"It's none of my business? Can you hear yourself?  You left this house yesterday morning and you didn't come back home last night. I mean look at the's almost after 11. You never have time for me anymore..what's the matter honey? "
I savoured the buttery taste of the milk then turned around to drop it back ignoring her. "Aren't you going to say anything? "

"No, you are not going to ruin my mood this morning. "
She bit her lip and came to stand before me. "I know you're stressed with work and that you need some alone time but you also have to have time for me. "
I sighed. "Look Adel I just want to sleep right now...I'm so tired so let me sleep. Maybe after I wake up we can have sex but for now I need to sleep. " she looked at me with this look that I used to think was cute but now it just annoyed the crap out of me.
I love my wife...I love her but she doesn't excite me at all. Not even a little bit.
"Am going to shower now. "
She pouted. "Baby.."
"Adel please." her eyes narrowed and she hissed at me then pick up her keys and walked out after glaring at me.
I shook my head and laughed when I heard her drive of.  You are lucky my dear.

I walked to the bedroom and shut the door behind me.
I stripped then drew my clothes on the floor hearing a thump.
What was that?
I picked up my trouser and checked the pockets bringing out the deodorant and under wear that I took from Paige's house.
I threw the deodorant on the bed and held the underwear in my hand sniffing it.
I felt myself grow and I chuckled.
Wonders truly never seize to end. I trailed the lacy underwear down my stomach and shivered.
Release that I craved was within my reach.
I grabbed my self hard and moaned deeply. "Mierda! "
I pumped my hand up and down feeling the lace touch my balls slightly.
I heared her scream as I pounded into her. Her eyes glazed over as she panted with finger nails  buried into my flesh making me hiss. "Daddy...oh yes.."
I felt her tightened around me and convulse as her body shook then relax. I groaned then thrusted into her one last time before I released. I thrusted in again releasing another shot. Then another and another and another and another...
My toes curled and I shivered coming down from my high.

I swallowed looking at the mess I made. The lacy underwear was stained with my semen but that can  easily be taken care of so it didn't bother me.
I looked at my aching member that was still leaking. 
I have to be patient for the main course. 
I shivered as I came from the thought.  "Ah...mierda. " I whispered resting against the wall.
I needed to clean this mess before Adela got home or she'll be pissed and I can't deal with that right now. I walked to the bathroom to have a shower and take care of my already growing member then came outside with a wet rag to wipe my semen off the floor. 
I just wasted all this one the floor when there are perfectly good openings on my baby's body.

But instead of choosing me! She choose that little piece of shit. What was it she called him...Baun....Billy? Ehh. Who cares. I do know that his name is Endicott though. I think I'll pay him a visit and warn him to stay the fuck away from Paige!
She's mine and I don't share. Never have, never can ask my parents that they'll tell you....
I laughed at the thought.
...they'll tell you from their graves. I laughed again taking the rag and underwear to the sink in rhe bathroom washing them.
After washing them I placed the rag on the rack then spread the lace too. I take it later to the cabin when I have time.
Mom and dad....
I used to love them you know. Till they started acting like every other person that criticised me, even though I was only their adopted son it still hurt to think that they thought of me that way.  Those people said I was crazy and MY parents believed them can you imagine that?

They just changed...and I had to correct that and make them pay their debts at least for the little boy that looked up to them for love. They made me. They made us and then they make us feel crazy !!!
I stared at the mirror.  "I'm never going back there again! We are not going back you hear me boy. Never! "
I swallowed and ran a hand through my hair. "The past will  remain where it the past. " I whispered.  "We are finally free." I smiled then slowly began snickering. Soon I was laughing like a maniac and if anyone was there with me they'd probably be wondering what was funny. 

This chapter was.....fetish.
So hope you like it. I have never written something like this before so encourage me okay...

Mierda!  Can mean shit! Crap! Fuck! . its a cussing word just wanted you guys to understand. 
Just keep reading You'll understand it better.

I promise with a writer's honor so just keep on reading in the main time get a paper and a pen and try to figure out what's wrong with him.  Honey you'll find interesting to do that.

Enjoy investigating. 


#Chelsea #

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