Chapter 4

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Since that day I've been avoiding him, I've been avoiding everyone.
I haven't even gone to visit my mum in the hospital for the past three days.
But sadly today, Lulu wasn't taking no for an answer. She pulled me into the bathroom and helped me shower then the rest was history.
As I walked the corridor I didn't hear any snarky comment , I felt people looking at me but they didn't come to disturb me they just stared at me.
Why were they?
They didn't know me before , they made jest of me and called me names in my face.
Even my usual bullies, Jake and frank, left me alone.
No pranks or throwing of pencils my way...nothing.
So I paid them no mind.
I went through my classes in peace.
Lulu and Zachy were kind enough to leave me alone during break.
So it's just remaining one last subject...

I internally groaned then closed my eyes. "I can do this. This is the last class. "
I shut my locker and sighed.

With my head held my mind that is..
I walk into Mr Johnson's class without sparing him a glance.
"You're late. "
I stopped in my tracks  and turned around. "My alarm wasn't set. "
He looked at me worriedly. To be fair who wouldn't, I looked like shit, with bags under my eyes and a sick skin colour. 
Why was he looking at me like that, he's the cause of this.
He closed the marker and gestured for me to take my seat.

"Join the class then. "
I just nodded and made my way to the back of the class and sat down.
People looked at me shocked because I always sat in front.
Don't get me wrong I really love literature but most importantly I love the teacher taking the class, its just I needed to get myself before any other thing.
I loudly dropped my textbook on my desk drawing attention to myself, especially his....I just ignored.

I didn't say a word throughout the whole class.
Finally the bell.
I quickly pack my things into my bag and tried to make my way to the door as fast as I could.
"Miss Ellison can I speak to you for a moment? "

I stopped at the entRance of the door and sighed. "Sure. "
I walked to his desk and stood in front of him. "What did you want to talk to me about? "

"You're angry with me. " he stated.
That made me to look him in the eye and I immediately regretted it.
I was trying so hard to stay away and focus on my studies but the way he looked at me...Gosh!
"I'm sorry. "

I wasn't going to fall for it , at least he can't kiss me again. We're in a classroom with students. 
I turned around and scan the classroom only to realize they had all gone.
I felt his hand on mine , his thumb caressing my knuckles.
"Yes? "
He smiled sadly at me. "I know what I did to you that day at your house was wrong...I.."
He swallowed and shook his head. "I wasn't in the right state of mind. Am sorry.  "
I stared at his hand that was squeezing mine and sighed. "I.. Forgive you. "
I can't help it.
He smiled then reached into his drawer and retrieved a red velvet box.
"For you.  "
I was speechless.  He went through the trouble of getting me..a gift. "Go on open it.  " he pushed it to my direction smiling.
I nervously picked the box up and opened it...

"Oh my God! I couldn' looks...expensive...I..."
"I want you to have it." I'm probably sure i looked like a fish with my mouth hung open like that.
He came around the desk and picked the pendant up inspecting it. "I saw it..and I thought of you. " his eyes flickered to my lips them back at my eyes. "Oh?"
It was new!

"Let me help you put it one. "
He went behind me and placed the stoned beauty around my neck,pushed my ponytail aside and clasped it securely.
"You like it? "
I turned my neck to look at him then nodded.
He flashed me smile and kissed my ear. "Use your words cariño."

I shivered. "I love it. "
In response he bit my earlobe gently and wrapped his arm my waist.
He moved his hand up my stomach and touch my navel which is my sensitive spot. "Ah!"
"Found it. "
He rubbed that area slowly and I weakly rested against his chest enjoying the feeling of what he was doing.
Then he turned me around suddenly and I had to rest against his desk to steady myself, in a second he was between my legs.

How that happened I don't know.
He trailed his knuckles down my cheek and I closed my eyes.
His lips lingered across mind. I felt his hot breath on my lips.

I tried to move closer but he moved back. He pushed my hip closer to his and I moaned upon contact.
"Open your mouth dulzura. "
Without wasting time I opened my mouth with closed eyes and felt his tongue slip into my mouth.
I placed my hand on his arm as he tongue explored my mouth.
He moved against me in a painfully slow motion.
He pulled back just to connect our lips together again.
Then pulled away again and stared into my eyes, his hand found his way to the zip of my blouse at my back.
I heard as he pulled the zipper down, it trickled down my back till it stopped at the end and hung loosely. 
What am i doing?
I felt my bra loosen and my mouth hung open staring back at him.
I was scared because I was still a virgin.
I haven't  had sex before infact I haven't felt the hands of any man on my skin before.  What happens if I get pregnant?
What will my Mom say?
She'll call be a disappointment again...she'll hate me.

I guess he sensed my discomfort because he kissed me softly then said. "I'm not having sex with you. "
His eyes held amusement and a sly look that made feel shy all of a sudden before him in this state . "Okay. "
He smiled. "There are other ways of getting pleasure cariño."
I blushed.
"You've called me that two times now.." he rose an eyebrow.
"W..what's..the meaning? "
He pulled the band holding my hair and the black locks fell free.
He pushed my hair away from my face and behind my back with one hand while his other hand drew circles on my lower back. 
"It means darling. "
He licked my lips then pulled my top down. I gasped and covered my self because mistakenly or maybe he did it purposely, my bra moved down with my top and rested on my laps.
"I like that you're decent. I like that you're innocent. "
He pressed his lips against my neck and licked it.
He lips moved from my neck to my shoulder blade making shake and moan.
He moved to the other sided and I granted him access quickly. 
I unconsciously uncovered my self and held his shirt tight as he devoured my skin.
I loved the feeling of how my upper body rubbed against his shirt.  The sensation was amazing.
I shifted forward to get more friction, moaning softly. My body trembled and my eyes rolled back into my head. 
I swear I saw a flash of white. "Fuck! "
I shook and held unto him as I came down from my high.
He rubbed against me again and soon I was panting and moaning till finally he tensed and  pushed his hard on against me groaning. 
I felt tingles and we moaned together as the feeling reached its climax then shattered around us.


Lol 😜😜😜😜😜

So Mr Johnson apologized for his wrong doings but does this changes anything?
Do you think he's using her like she claims or that he actually cares about her.
School's over and they're still together..will they get caught or what?

Shout out to my goodfriend know yourself! 🐺🙈🙈🙈🙈

Love y'all
#Chelsea #

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