Chapter 20

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I stopped in my tracks as he came down the stairs.
"It's my fault that he fell." He whispered  looking at his feet.
"Mikey, it's not your fault..."
"Yes it IS! I should have tried harder, I should have grabbed him before he started talking. " I went to him and hugged him tight.
"Hey, hey. I'm here. Relax. "
"Two students died used to bully you...or maybe both did. "
I pulled back.
"What are you insinuating?"
He grinned at me. "Am not insinuating anything at all. I'm just saying that even though they were my students and I know you're too good to relish it but ...don't you think that the deserved it ?"
I stared at him in shock. "What?"
He hummed.
"They deserved it. For what they did to you, it was inevitable. "
"Why are you saying this? We can be celebrating the death of a human being." Miguel Angel smiled at me and grabbed my hand.
"I know, and that's why I love you. You're too good for this town," he said caressing my face. "Too good for this world. This dark and evil age. "

"I'm not that perfect Mikey. Am not as good as you think I am. "
Smiling he kissed my cheek. "Let me be the judge of that. Shall we go home?"

I grinned. "Home. I like the sound of that. "
He shook his head then laughed. "Just wait for me at the parking lot let me go grab my suitcase, yes ?"
I nodded.
"Okay. Wait okay, don't go anywhere. "
He kissed his finger then placed it on my lips and walked away.

I adjusted my school bag on the other shoulder then walked to the entrance of the parking lot.
I looked around and saw that the parking lot was empty.
There were few cars in there but other than that there was nothing else.
I huffed then wrapped my arms around my self trying to warm up.
"Ouuu where is he?" I said rubbing my arms looking behind me.

I sighed then rested on the car beside me.
When I looked to my right a dark figure hid.
"Whose there?!"
I heard a sound behind me then turned around but saw nothing.
"If you are who I think you are. I have a question for you. What do you gain from killing all this people what is the motive behind your killing?"

I heard a cock then turned around but saw nothing but when I looked at the rear mirror of a car, I saw a gloved hand pointing a gun with a silencer at me.
"Oh my God! Mikey!!"
I quickly bent down not long later, the mirror of the car broke then an annoying sound begang to ring.
I close my ears and shut my eyes. "I'm gonna die. Mikey!! Help! Someone help!" I cried pulling my legs to my chest.
I heard footsteps then froze.
"If you want to kill be, kill be but at least respect my body by leaving my body for Migu....for someone to find. "

The person chuckled and it sounded oddly familiar.
"That's cute but I'll  kill the tucker before he touches you."
"Mikey?" I said opening my eyes and looking at his out stretched hand.
"Did you see him?"
He rose an eyebrow. "Who?"
"The killer. He was here. He pointed a gun at me. "
Miguel Angel  looked mad. "Come again. "
Grabbing his hand and propelling my self up I said. " Someone tried to shoot me Miguel Angel. Someone wants to kill me."

Miguel Angel

"Come again. "
She grabbed my hand then pulled herself up. "Someone tried to shoot me Miguel Angel. Someone wants to kill me. "

I lost control again!

But she doesn't appreciate you. I was trying to help.

You almost killed her! I love her!

But I didn't. You snapped out of it just because she called you Mikey.

"Miguel Angel. "
I felt someone hold my arm then blinked. "Yes?"
She looked worried. "Are you Okay? You zoned out while we were talking and then you started frowning and there something I should know?"
I rubbed her hand then smiled. "No. I'm fine. I was just thinking that's all. "
She nodded not convinced but I will deal with that later. I wasn't in the mood.
"Let's go. "
Holding her hand I guided her toward my car then helped her in.
Shutting the door behind me, I sighed then rubbed my face.
I lost control.
How could I lose control like that?
I can't stay at her place tonight. It's not least for her it isn't.

"Mikey. "
I hummed then went to enter the car and started the engine.
Looking out the window to the damaged car I shivered then drove off.

Shortest chapter I've ever written in this book.
But I tried.
Anyways we now know the killer right.
So where do we go from here?
we'll see.

M.A Johnson.


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