Chapter 5

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We smiled at each other breathing heavily. 
"Told you there were other ways of getting pleasure. " he smirked and I blushed. 
"Are you hungry? We can go out to eat or order take away. " he said suggestively.
I shook my head.  "Your wife..."
He busted into laughter immediately. "What about her? "
He looked at me playfully. "Well am sure she'll be waiting for you at home.
He helped me adjust my top then kissed my neck. "Are you jealous? "
"No,not really. "
He placed his hand on both sides of the table and leaned forward till he was in my face. "Would you rather I came home to you?"
"Yes...I mean no Mr Johnson..."
I held his gaze. "What? "
"Call me Miguel-Angel." he said.
He moved away from me and went to his desk. "Get down baby girl. You're ruining my paperworks. "
"Sorry.  " I muttered then getting down.
I grabbed my school bag and headed for the door. "Where are you going? "
"Its already late My Mom is probably..."
I blinked.
My Mom isn't home, she's in the hospital fighting for her life because of me!
I am alone.
I felt my eyes water. "Paige...come here. "
He opened his arms wide for me to run into and I did.
I held him so tight as my heart broke to tiny pieces. My Mom.

" cariño. She'll be fine. Before you know it she'll wake up and get discharged and everything will be fine. "

I nodded and sniffled.
"Thankyou Miguel. "
His arms tightened around me and not in a comforting way. "What did you call me? " he said.
He sounded so cold.
Did I say something wrong?
"I called you Miguel, is that wrong?"
"Yes. Don't ever call me Miguel again. Its Miguel- Angel. Got it? "
He whispered in this scary voice.
"Yes Miguel..."  He frowned at me. "Angel. " I whispered. 
"If you want to shorten my name...don't. You can call me other pet names but not Miguel or better still call me Daddy. "
"Daddy? You into those stuff Lulu talks about? "

"Who's Lulu? "
He asked with a huge amout of urgency.  "Um...Lulu? Well she's a friend. "
He visibly relaxed. "Maybe I am. " he caressed my cheek.
"Then again..Maybe am not. You'll have to stick around to find out." he said grinning.
"So what are we? " I asked pushing my hands into my back pocket. "As in? "
"I mean what happened at my house the other day... What happened right now in this very class room. What does it mean for us? "
He laughed. "Us? There is no us. We're just two people that enjoys each others company like you said...I am a married man. "

Every word slapped me in the face.
"So this meant nothing."
He looked at me like I dumb...I felt dumb.
"Of course it meant nothing to me but that doesn't mean we don't care about you. I crave you doesn't mean I love you. "
I stood there stunned. "You crave me? "
He backed away. "Sorry that came out wrong. I meant that..ur...I like you but I don't love you as much as I do my wife. "

He sounded different.
I feel like am loosing my mind right now....what's he even saying?
The more he speaks and tries to explain the more he confuses me.
"I think it's time for me to go home.  "
He rubbed his temples. "I would offer you a ride but am sure you'll say no so get home safely.  "
I gave him a small nod and headed to the door. "Hold on Paige.."
I turned around. "Yes Daddy? "
I smirked as I watched his eyes darken with lust but then he shook his head and groaned.
Do you know how I feel right now?
He just said that he didn't love me and am going to show him that I am so much better at everything than his stupid bitch of a wife!
That little fucker can't even cook!
"Is everything alright Miguel- Angel? "
He nodded his head. "Yeah. Just a slight headache. I was just wondering if you're busy tomorrow? "
I smiled sweetly at him. "I going to the hospital to visit my Mom.  I haven't seen her for five days.  So I want to make it up to her and my friends. "
He balled his hand into fists.  "Aren't I worthy of your time? !" 💢💢💢💢

I moved back. "Of course you are Daddy... I have to be there for my Mom tomorrow but I promise the nextday am all yours okay. "

He smiled and grabbed his suitcase. "I'd like that. And am sorry if I sounded selfish and rude. "👼👼👼👼
He smiled again then kissed my cheek and walked past me.
I turned around and watched him walk away.
I saw him stop for a moment holding his head and groaning but as I walked out the door about to reach him. He swiftly walked away. So I reached the conclusion that he wasn't feeling well and needed to rest.
I later realized it was quite the contrary. 


I was walking the lonely streets and felt someone watching me.
I looked around and shook off the feeling.
I was just being paranoid.
I took another step then I found my self in a dark forest.
It was so dark that I couldn't even see a thing.
Where was I ?
I rubbed my eyes a few times to get used to the darkness.
Something dropped on my fore head and I quickly wiped it with my fingers and looked at it.
Was that blood? 
I sniffed it to confirm and yes it was. Another drop fell on my face then another. And another and soon I was covered in blood with a dagger in my hand. I looked around me and saw dead bodies. 
There were dead bodied every where.
I looked at my feet and screamed. 
Lying in front of me lifeless..with cold, distant eyes was Mrs Rachel Ellison.
My Mom....

"Mother! !"
I screamed waking up. I looked around me and relaxed when I remembered where I was.
Sweat trailed down my neck. And the bed sheet stuck to my body making me uncomfortable.
I kicked the bed sheet aside and sat upright then checked the time. "6:25 a.m. "
I groaned. There was no way I was going back to bed so I decided to take a bath to help me relax.
I came out of the bath room with a towel wrapped around my waist and groaned looking for my deodorant.
I sighed and rested on the sink then looked at my steamy mirror.  I rose up my hand and wiped the mirror then stared at my reflection.
"She's gone. "my reflection said.
I shook my head. "No. No, No! " I hit the mirror and in place of my clear reflection stood a divided reflection. 
"She's fine. "I whispered.
"My Mom is safe in the hospital and she's fine. My Mom is safe in the hospital and she's fine! "
I screamed at the mirror.  "My Mom. Is safe and she's..."

Knock! Knock!

I peeked my head outside to check the time.

"6:48 a.m. Mmm. It's still early so who could that be ?" I asked no one in particular rubbing my chest.

Miguel- Angel...I love that name.
Our little boy sounded angry when Paige told him she had other plans.
He didn't take it to well. 💢💢💢💢
And what's up with his bipolar character? 🙍🙍🙍

And that dream....who else thinks somethings up apart from me ?

Anyways am so happy.  That I've written up to this extent so.
Yay! 😄😄😄😄😄😄😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

I Love Zachy. He's so adorable. Believe it or not he has a big character. 

I just ran out of juice so ....nite.
Love you.
#Chelsea #

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