Chapter 19

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Every one rushed outside at the sound of the emergency bell.
This has only happened twice in in the history of BV High.
The first time was when Maggie Anders, the daughter of the benefactor of this school was found with a slit throat after missing for several days in the woods close to the Fisher gather.
It was a horrible sight.
The poor girl had choked on her own blood.
That was almost three or four years ago.
The killings started with her.

Truth be told, no one took her death seriously because she was kind of a bitch and so no one really cared.
Then over the years it began to increase till now..

The second time that bell was rung was just now....reason being that Frank Hemmings was about to jump of the school roof!

He was shaking with bloodshot eyes and a bloody shirt.
......what happened?
I looked around me and saw Miguel Angel at the back resting against a tree.
He looked relaxed like as if what was going on didn't concern him one little bit.

"Where is James anyways? If we find him we can get him to talk to Frank. "
The girl beside me smiled sadly.

"Didn't you hear? James's dead. He was found in the parking lot, in his car.  Seems he's been there since yesterday because the whole place stinked. Poor Franklin, " I couldn't believe my ears.  Terry Jameson was dead. He was gone. 

"Does he know...about James?"

"Yes. Hee was the first one to see the body as he is  a staff assistant. After seeing the body, the poor guy lost it and was not seen again until now. "
"So that's why he wants to jump. He's in pain. "

I looked back at the top and saw Miguel Angel beside Frank.
"How did he get there?"
His hand moved from side to side as he spoke to Frank.
The whole exchange was strange.
Frank began to shake his head then sobbed. "I loved him!" He screamed to our surprise holding his chest . "I loved him. " he cried.
Miguel Angel took a step forward and Frank took one back.

Miguel Angel lossened his tie then folded his arms.
Frank gripped his hair then locked eyes with me.
He looked at me for a second then back at Miguel Angel.
Frank opened his mouth and gasped then shook his head.
Miguel Angel made to grab him....but it was too late.
Rippling screams filled the arena from when he jumped to when his body connected with the ground.
His hand was bent in a very painful position and a broken bone was sticking out of his jeans.

His light blue shirt was now a bit purple from the blood.
And from where I stood I could see that his head had busted open.

Frank Hemmings was now dead.
No matter how much I hated them both, I'd never wish dead on them.

I wonder what Miguel Angel had told him before he jumped.
Unconsciously my gaze went up to his.
The feeling I was getting from him made me uneasy.
He smiled at me then ran his hand through his hair and moved away from the edge. 

Terry Jameson POV

I smiled at Frank then kissed his cheek gently. "I'll see you tomorrow Okay?"
He nodded then held my hand.
This was strange coming form him.
"There's something I want to tell you. It's very important. "
I groaned.
"Dude! Can't you tell me tomorrow? I have to be up and doing tomorrow morning because the team sponsoring the basketball scholarship are coming tomorrow afternoon after school so I have to be in my best mode. "

He laughed. "How many modes to you have again?"
"Four. So this handsome hunk needs his beauty sleep so I can't wait and besides am tired. "
His face fell. "Oh okay then I'll tell you tomorrow morning at our spot. "
I nodded then stretched to open the door for him.
When I turned to look at him, he looked so red that I was worried. "Hey are you okay?"
He closed his eyes then nodded.  "Okay then. "
He looked away. "Yeah. " he whispered.

I groaned because I knew that voice. He  was angry.
"I promise. First thing tomorrow morning,  I'll come pick you up then we'll talk on the way to school Okay?"

He ignored me and bent his head. "Hey."
He looked at me and I saw tears. "Frank  what is it?"
He sniffled then suddenly his lips were on mine. "Woah Frank," I said pushing him away and wiping my mouth vigorously. "What are you doing?" He was panting and tears spilled from his eyes.
"I love you. "


"You say?"
He gulped then grabbed my hand and I pulled it back. "Look Franklin. We are friends. Close friends. In fact too close for close friends but....that is all we are...friends. nothing more, nothing less. "

"But I love you,  I've always loved you. Don't you understand?"
I shook my head. "Sincerely no, I don't because I don't feel the same way that you feel Franklin and I don't want to hurt you. "
His hand trembled in his lap and his lips quivered. "I see,"

There was silence for a while. "Do you hate me ?"
I smiled then shook my head. "Come on Frank we are friends, like br...I could never hate you."

"I see," he wiped his tears then smiled pained.
"I'll get down now. See you. "
I hummed watching him get down from the car and running into his house. "Yeah. See you. "

After the ordeal with Frank, I had gone home to think about everything.
About how I hurt his feelings and about how I felt.

The framed picture on my desk was the confirmation I needed.
Franklin and I have been best friends for many years.
He was a nerd and a dork in junior school. So he usually got bullied.
In fact I was one of his bullies. Can't really remember what else happened.
He always made be smile and laugh even when I was tired of all the stress and wanted to give up my dreams of becoming an international Basketball player.
He was always there.
Did it really matter if he was a guy and he loved me ?
Actually no it didn't.
I may not love him more than a friend but that didn't mean I couldn't cherish him because he was my rock.

I grabbed my jacket and decided to go to his house to tell him.
To tell him that I was sorry for the way I reacted and that I was willing to give....what ever it was he felt a chance.
I glanced at the clock and then realised it was quite late but the walk wouldn't take long.
He lived close by so I risked it.

Closing the door behind me, I walked into he late night.
I walked a long distance when I heard footsteps.
I looked behind me and saw no one.
I sighed then shook my head.
"You're just hearing things. "
As I turned around to continue walking  something cold and heavy struck me in the face and I fell down losing  consciousness.
The one  thought that ran through my mind surprisingly was .....

When I regained consciousness what I saw shocked it wasn't was a specific who....
"Its you isn't it? You are the Blossom Valley killer. "
"You are smart.  Quite saddening that you have to go this way and no one can save you now because you are going to die. "
"I'll get justice. Frank will get justice for me and then you'll rot in jail for life!"

The person tsked. "You really don't understand do you ?"
"What are you talking about?"

Sighing the person said. "Since you are going to die anyways,  why don't I tell you.
When am done with you, I'll go to your dear Franklin. Heard he likes to take up the ass. "

"Don't you dare touch him you bastard!"

"I've told you what you wanted to know and now," a coy smile then a grin.

"You die. "

At first I didn't believe it....not until the cold steel of the blade was plunged into my stomach and dragged upward to my chest.
Blood pooled in my mouth and I gagged staring at my killer.
With a dark sinister smirk the blade slashed my throat and it was over. 

I have nothing to say just keep on reading dearyies.
Oh and I just wanted you to see a little of James perspective to know how it really went down.

Dont forget to vote and comment.

#Chelsea. 😘😘😘😘

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