Chapter 25

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I see light swarming around my vision.

 I see feet running past me. I hear screaming and crying. I close my eyes from the immense pain in my head. I open back up my eyes. Bare feet surround me, forming a circle. The light leaves my eyes, and I roll over to look at them. Cranks. I try to pull out my gun, but one of them claws it out of my hands. They all laugh, as the one aims it at my head. I close my eyes. No, this is it. I wait about a minute. Why hasn't he killed me yet? I open back up my eyes. Newt and one other soldier are fighting off the Cranks. I place my hand on my head. Blood drips down my arm as I touch the spot that I was hit. Everything is blurry, but then clear. It switches over and over until it makes my eyes hurt. I close them back. I feel someone kick my side. Repeatedly. I cry out, and roll over to stand up. I get on all fours, but the kicks knock me down. Kicking and kicking. Then it stops. I attempt to stand again, but fall down. I try again, and succeed. I look around. It takes a few seconds for my vision to clear up, but then I see that the battle is over. The stinging pain in my shoulder comes back, and I grab it. Someone grabs my arm from behind, which sends a shock through my wound. I scream and turn around, ready myself to fight. It's Newt. I let out a sigh of relief, and grip my shoulder tighter. "Kenzie. You need to get back to the Berg. Hurry, come on."

"No, no." I swat at him, but he grabs my hand.

"I'm serious, now, come on."

"Newt! She can manage it herself. Come on. We have work to do," and I agree with Thomas.


"Now." He looks at me one last time, and walks toward the group of people. All of the soldiers (except Thomas's group) walk towards me to the Bergs, and reform the barrier. One of the female soldiers from my group lightly grabs my arm, "Come on, we've got some first aid in our Berg." I smile at her, and we walk side by side to the Berg. She helps me place a bandage on my head, and on my shoulder. "Do you think you can make it the rest of the day?"


"You might need to sit out the next battle."

"No. The armies are getting bigger."

"You think no one else has noticed they're attacking you? You might have been able to fight if they weren't. But they are. You may be the leader of this group, but I'm sure Thomas would agree with me. You're sitting out this one. We'll see how you are in the morning."

"Good that..." I know she's just trying to help. And she's right. Thomas definitely won't let me fight this next one. Neither will Newt... "Hey, wait." She turns around, and raises her eyebrows. "You're in charge."

"Yes ma'am," she nods, and exits the Berg.

I lay my head back against the wall of the air craft. The flesh around my wound throbs with pain. At least Newt will forget about our conversation. It's kind of a shuck thing to think. But I don't need him worrying about too many things.

I wait about half an hour, then I hear the sounds of the groups chattering. The soldiers appear in the opening of the Berg, and come marching in. I turn my attention to the woman I placed in charge, "How many?"

"About two hundred."

"Only one thirds came with us..."

She nods twice, and I can tell by the look on her face when she does, that she feels the same way I do.

The next trip takes one hour. One hour of agonizing pain. I pull out my remote. The blue button numbs the whole body. As the soldiers load off of the Berg, I press the button, and it works its way into my system. I listen to the sound of battle, and the laughter that the Cranks produce. I wonder how many people there were this time......what if Newt-no I can't think that. I try to push the thought out of my mind. It's hard to; I can't help but think that there might be a time where he doesn't come back.

I try to stand, but I can't move. Maybe that's a good thing. I can't just run out there while things are flying around through the air to see if Newt is ok. He'll be fine. I close my eyes and try not to think about it.

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