Chapter 17

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I don't go far.

 I walk down the hallway, and slide down the wall. I put my face in my hands. I wish there were another way.

"McKenzie?" I know that voice...Thomas. I look up at him. He looks worn out. "What are you doing?" He slides down next to me. I can't tell if I hate him.

"I can't stand to watch them. Have their fears thrown at them. And the worst part is: I know exactly how they feel."


"I don't want to talk about it. Look, whatever happened, it doesn't matter anymore. He's alive now," I look him in the eyes, "But don't do it again."

"I regret it. Even if it wasn’t real. I wish I could do things differently..."

"He was fake."

"But you still hate me," he raises his voice, and it kind of scared me.

"I- I don't hate you."

"Yes you do. I know you do. But I'll do whatever it takes to make you stop hating me. If leading this shuck army up against my girlfriend and her little Crank buddies will make you forgive me then fine, whatever." He stands up, and continues his walk to...probably the computer room.

I never really thought of it that way. What if Brenda does try to fight us?

I sit for another ten minutes, staring at the wall. No thoughts, just the wall. Thomas walks back by me, and sits down again.

"Look, I'm just really stressed out, ok?"

"I know how you feel."

He snickers, "I sat next to you to get you to like me, then I make you hate me more."

"I don't hate you, Thomas."

"I would hate you. You have every right-"

"Yeah and I wouldn't have shot Brenda in the head. We're different," I came across as angry that time, but I'm not, "But that's ok."

"Ok." He stands up, and walks away.

I stand up moments later, and head back to the observation room.

Lily is talking to Newt, and they both look at me when I walk in.

"You ok?" Newt starts to walk toward me.

"Yeah, fine. What about you?" I nod my head at Lily.

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