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Grian ran through the server that he knows so well now. It's been at least, let's say 10 to 11 years since the hazel haired boy had met Mumbo all that time ago. Unfortunately, the two haven't been able to increase the amount they meet up together for a few years now but it was understandable from both sides. They both grew busy as they got older, with Mumbo being a year or two younger than Grian.

As he stepped on the worn out pressure plate, Grian was already excited to meet Mumbo after the past couple of months but he wasn't there. He anxiously looked around, trying to see if his friend was hiding or not. No, of course not. Grian knew that Mumbo wouldn't do that. Did he get here early? It looks like he did until his brown eyes found something on their makeshift table.

A book signed by Mumbo and a folded up paper just next to it.

— • —

Xisuma watched Grian on the covered mountain, the perfect view to the builder's white concrete base. And wouldn't you know, Grian is working on finishing up on his mega base. The admin had been watching the hermit since the start of the season, just out of complete suspicion. Everyone from 5 goes through the portal to 6 and Grian is already waiting there? X considered it suspicious, but I think that it's just the poor admin growing paranoid.

He decided to take flight, expending a couple rockets which made his presence known to the unaware builder. Grian looked away from his building and turned his attention to where he heard the noise. He saw someone flying, but was too far away to make out who was watching him. Well, Grian wasn't scared, but he was suspicious of who was watching him and he had an idea on who. Unfortunately, he couldn't say for sure as there's no solid proof or even some slight clue about his 'secret admirer'.

Grian decided to stop the construction for now and brought out his communicator to send a message to Mumbo.

"Can I come over?"

After the approval, he immediately took flight, using way too many rockets just to fly to his neighbor base which was only 100 or so blocks away. Xisuma had just landed and felt his communicator buzz. He pulled the screen up just to see the message from Grian and felt his anxiety steadily grow. He's made a mistake, hasn't he?

Grian landed near the bottom of the base, looking around for the tall, mustache man. Fortunately, Mumbo found Grian just before the builder was about to shoot another message. The redstoner landed just in front of the shorter male with a semi-concerned look. "What's wrong?"

The hazel haired male looked a little disturbed or uncomfortable. "Someone's been watching me and I have a feeling it's not with an admiration intent. Do you have any idea who it might be?"

"No.. though you did act a little strange at the beginning of the season," Mumbo murmured, taking a moment to think. He was a little put off by the fact that one of his fellow hermits had been watching his close friend.

"Strange?" Grian's voice cracked slightly, as if he was worried about something but that something is what Mumbo doesn't know, "What do you mean by strange?"

Mumbo's brows furrowed, taking a mental note of his friend's sudden voice change. He shrugged it off, deciding not to mess with Grian's buttons. "If you say so, but I'll help you find out who's been watching you."

"Really? Great!" Grian grew ecstatic and flew off without a word. He didn't even bother to coordinate with Mumbo on how to even catch who was watching him. Then he landed in front of the redstoner, "Oh and I saw firework particles from the mountain near my base ok bye."

And Grian is off again.

— • —

A week passed and the builder began construction on his mega base once more, after a little more grinding for white concrete. This time, he focused on building up his support three pillars, using the excess blocks he had to raise the main base. Mumbo waited in the tree filled mountain, trying to keep himself hidden as he did. The redstone man heard rustling of leaves and bushes along with the faint sound of grass being walked across. He scurried off behind a tree and prayed that whoever was coming didn't see him at all.

Xisuma wandered up to the cliffside as he always had done since the start of the season, or whenever Grian has been working on his base. Maybe he should just stop now, after all the builder's suspicious behavior seemed to die the week after 6 started. Still, the admin was weary of the new hermit. There was a familiar, yet odd feeling that X was getting off of the newcomer but he couldn't explain why. He perched himself near the edge of the cliff as he quietly observed Grian.

Well, he tried to.


Mumbo cautiously called out to Xisuma, slowly revealing himself from the tree. The admin jumped, startled by Mumbo as he turned his head to face him. The mustached man adjusted the red tie, letting out a quiet sigh, "You were the one who's watching Grian?"

— • —

[be lucky these first three chapters are released at once, you won't have to deal with this cliffhanger i decided to leave hehe]

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