all my friends

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"george!" clay shouts as i launch into his embrace, "i'm so happy to see you man!"
"me too," i mumble, face buried into clay's chest.

he smells sweet like candy, not sweaty or boozy like nick, no offense. an endearing warmth spreads throughout my body as he holds me, gently chuckling out of pure happiness. i can feel his heart beating hard and fast, making a blush creep up my neck and onto my cheeks.

he suddenly lets go of me, the hug only lasting for a few short second to my disappointment. i shy away from him to hide my red face when he grabs nick and gives him a hug too.

"welcome to the glamorous la," nick smiles, "you'll be seeing the less fancy side of this place staying with us."
"i don't mind," clay reassures him.

"we'll try to get into a shelter tonight."
"i haaate shelters," i whine, "i always just get my shit stolen and almost step on needles full of hepatitis scattered over the floor."
"well there's food, and showers," nick laughs, ruffling my hair, "you've just gotta man up georgie."
"don't call me that."

clay does his signature wheeze and points towards a nearby taco bell.

"i figured you guys must be starving, so let's go get some food."


nick and i just inhaled our plates to the amusement of clay.

"you guys really were hungry," he points out.
"of course, what else did you think?"

he shrugs, taking another bite from his taco. after he's finished his meal he smiles at me, like something's on his mind. i feel awkward being looked at, so i start speaking.

"clay, i really can't thank you enough for this. i mean, you came here all the way from florida to meet two bums without money and now you're feeding us. kudos to you."

his grin only grows larger as he replies.

"it's nothing. you guys are two of my best friends and it's honestly not a burden at all. i just wish i was rich so i could buy an apartment for you. you deserve it after all you've been through."
"awww," nick squeals audibly. both me and clay start laughing.

"i really mean it though," he says after his laughing fit, "and, nick, if you don't mind me asking, how did you end up on the streets? i know about what happened to george but i haven't gotten to talk serious stuff with you yet."

"it's fine. my parents kicked me out on my 18th birthday, i guess cause they just didn't want me in the house. i was one of the stoner kids and it didn't sit well with my asshole of a dad. he kept abusing me and my mom, so i probably would've run away on my own eventually anyways. i've been out here for a little over a year now, and honestly it's better than having to endure that nightmare back at home. i just wish there was some way to get my life together."

"damn man, i'm sorry. shit's tough."

the sound of their conversation fades as my mind drifts away, solely admiring the beauty in front of me that is clay. he's even prettier in real life, which shouldn't be physically possible. i watch the way he shapes his lips as he speaks, his occasional smiles and wheezes, the way his beautiful green eyes glisten in the sunlight, how he brushes strands of wavy blonde hair away from in front of his face.

he's a work of art. i find myself stuck in this trance for far too long. i must seem like a freak.

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