chapter 16: I WANNA GO HOME!

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As The three demons came back they sent me to do simple things like clean their room, made dinner, and... Brush their teeth? Anyways I was outside till I heard my stepmother cranky voice. "Kill this roach in the living room! " She shouted. I got up , took the broom and hit her in the face. "There you go." I said with a smile trying not to laugh- ( you're not suppose to hit her in the face! You're suppose to hit your stepsisters!) Ahem, I put the broom down as my stepmother looked at me in shock. "You know what?" I going to the castle and you can't stop me." I said before walking into town and straight towards the castle. "I bet Bitty PJ and PJ live there. Maybe I can work there till we get back home." I thought out loud.

Finally getting to the castle, I knocked. the big double doors opened revealing  PJ. "Hey PJ." I said waving. "I'm BJ." He said. "Huh?" I said a little confused. "Bitty PJ, BJ." He said as I slapped myself. "I'm so dense." I stated. "Anyways, let me be your maid here. I promise I won't make a fuse about anything." I said. More like begged. I'm not letting the three witches torture me for I don't how till the darn ball. (Hey let's make this the modern age like everyone has cars and phones and stuff. Think of it as those Christmas movies on ion television or something.) "Sure come on." BJ said guiding me to the maids rooms. This feels like my job all over again. The maids outfits looked actually like my job outfit! One of the reasons why I hate Author-chan- (you duck, Apologize! (Y/n)- No! Author-*cries* (y/n)- fine, sorry.) Anyways I walked into a changing room and got dressed. BJ was gone, giving me the opportunity sit there and think about my existence.

"Alright, you must be the new maid. Follow me." A woman said giving me a warm smile.

Le timeskip brought to you by: depression,Yay!

After being told what to do and showing me around the place, I was free to go. "One more thing, the princes have to decide on if you should be a personal maid or not." The woman said. ' I get to talk to them everyday, yes.' I thought nodding. She brought me into the second throne room (which I totally made.) And there sat the twin identical princes. "You can leave now Mrs. Penny." Pj-... Um... One of them said. Mrs. Penny blushed nodding her head before quickly. 'And I thought I had issues. How old is she?!' I thought before getting tackled. "I been so lonely without you!" Who I assume PJ said. "Hey that's not fair. I didn't even get the chance to hug her!" BJ pouted. "You had your chance at the door." PJ said. "How will I tear the difference between you two?" I asked. "Easy see the crowns on our head, they have our initials on it." PJ replied letting me go as I got up. "You are now our personal maid." BJ cheered. "And with that, I need to talk to her." I heard Ink- er... Queen Ink say. I relaxed hearing her/his voice. I walked out the second throne room. As soon as I closed the door I heard a *click* around my neck. I looked down... TO SEE A COLLAR! LIKE INK MOM, I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME! "I saw how you and the boys got along so quickly and how they fought over you, so you are there personal maid/ pet. They are free to do whatever they want with you." Queen Ink cheered. I went pale. "W-whatever they want?" I asked "Whatever they want, deary." Queen Ink stated before pushing me back into the room. "You are free to do whatever you like with her." Queen Ink said before closing the door. It was silent. 'They wouldn't do anything... Right?' I thought nervously. Now I know what those dogs felt like with collars around them all the time. "Yay" they both cheered. 'I want. To die!' I thought a little scared of how they reacted.

(This chapter is gonna be long. -_-)

        Third POV (yeah I'm fo real.)

BJ and PJ thought perverted thoughts of course. They're boys, they can't help, but let their imagination run free. (Y/n) was obviously worried. She's gonna be stuck in here for she don't know how long. Sometimes she just want to crawl under a rock. (Not Karishma.)

                    (Y/n)'s POV

"Hey, new girl you crushing on the princes?" A girl asked. "Um... Maybe?" (Y/n) replied not really knowing how to answer. "Let me show you something." The girl said dragging me past the maid bedrooms and towards a secret door. She opened it, revealing and room with... Oh no... Oh gosh no! Pictures of PJ and BJ! I sweat. 'I'm in a place full of weirdo's!' I mentally screamed. Some maid's we're putting up photos of PJ and BJ sleeping. I cringed at the sight. It felt like I was surrounded by yandere maids! "Since you're new here and we saw you getting along with them and the queen putting the royal collar on you..." The girl paused 'ROYAL COLLAR?!' I thought keeping calm. "We'll give you simple rules. Don't kiss them, don't sleep with them, don't make moves on them, and especially don't-" "Okay I won't just please stop." I pleaded with embarrassment. I wouldn't do any of those things with them unless Author-chan- (STOP BREAKING THE FOURTH WALL!). Unless the queen makes me. A gulped. I hope she doesn't do anything like- " All maids and butlers, the ball has been cancelled. Please make  inform paper for the people in town." I man announced through the com's outside of the secret door. All of the maids whined and pouted. "But we wanted to secretly dress up too." A girl whined. 'I just wanna go home!' I thought.

(Um, I have to asked one question and one question only.... Does anyone want a oneshot book?)

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