chapter 6: I found you

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10 years later...

Jammy's POV

  "Be safe Jammy!" Dad yelled as I closed the door. "I will." I said walking   to my station where most of the hunters are. "Hey my future husband." I heard an oh so similar voice sing. It was the one and only Kesha vonclair. "I told you I will never marry you even if it cost me my house." I told her. Ever since (y/n) went missing, Kesha's been nothing but persistent. I walked in the station to see My boss was pacing around the  room. "What's wrong boss?" I asked "Someone's been constantly stealing food and supplies from our stores!" He yelled slamming his hands on a table. "I need you, one of my best hunters, to track whatever it is and kill it." Boss said bluntly. He then grabbed my weapons and sent me on my way. Who or what is it they want dead? I thought walking into the woods. I figured that they live there and have no money or it could be a clever wild animal.

(Y/n) POV

     "Pallette your gonna pay for this!" I yelled as chased Pallette. He stole my catdog this morning. "It was just laying there saying eat me!" He protested snickering a bit. Getting close enough, I pounced on him without a second thought. "Got ya! Now I'm getting pay back." I said tickling him. I almost thought he was dying of luaghter. "(Y/n)... I'm...sorry... I'm sorry!" Pallette yelled between his gasps and laughs. I let him go satisfied of his apology. It's been a few years since I've been sneaking food and supplies out of random stores in the town. I'm kind of missing jammy every now and then, but I know I'll soon him soon. Usually I see him hunting in the forest. The guys won't let me anywhere near him in fear I might be taken away. When they told me that, I really didn't listen. Tonight I have a plan though. I'm gonna sneak out when everyone is sleeping and visit him. I know he's gonna be be out tonight for watch out, so this might only be my one chance to actually him again.

                Le timeskip

        Huh. They're all sleeping. This is chance. I crawled out of the cave To Jammy's usual spot. It was a clearing with beautiful flowers blooming under the night sky. He wasn't there yet, so I sat on a near by branch and sang. " The sun goes down. The stars come out. And all that counts is here and now. M-" before I could continue, a fimilar voice finished "My universe will never be the same. I'm glad you came." They said walking towards me.  It was Paperjam. He then hugged me as I hugged back. He seems taller then me. "(Y/n), I... found you..." Jammy whispered through hi sobs. Seeing him cry made my wanna. Oh no not my water works too! I started crying into his chest. We finally stopped crying and hugging. "(Y/n), were you the one who snuck food and supplies out of the stores?" He asked. I nervously laugh scratching the back of my head. " Yeah that was me I can't lie about that." I exclaimed looking away. "Why don't you come home with me. You won't have to sneak out food every night. Just you and me." Jammy said with nothing, but hope in his voice. I then saw a little flashback of me being carried away while jammy was yelling. "I'm sorry, but I can't. I have to stay. If I don't, then my friends will be eating nothing berries and wild animals." I replied looking him in the eyes(?) "Wait what do mean my friends?" He questioned. As soon as he said that, a voice spoke up. "She means us." They said Goth, Pallette, Dream, Cross, Nightmare, Blueberry, and Fresh walked out of the shadows. I started to sweat.  They were supposed to be sleeping! I thought crossing my arms. "(Y/n), your suppose to be sleeping." Pallette said. He was the closest one to my sleeping bag. He must of heard crawling out of it. "It's not my fault you let me see, but not talk or touch." I mumbled. Jammy got then protectively held me in his arms. "Back up or I'll forced to take (y/n) away... Like you took her away when we were kids." Paperjam said in a threatening tone. What does that mean? I thought.

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