chapter 19: living our regular life?!

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"Now that were back, what should we do?" I asked everyone as I laid on the cave walls. Yes Cil as already met them for some reason and the wolf's seemed to have apologized the BJ. BJ now can turn big which is cool.

"Let's go the beach." Pallette suggested "Yeah that seems good." Fresh said as everyone agreed. "Then it's settled, beach it is." I said pumping my fists in the air. 

Timeskip towards the good parts of course πvπ

I wore a (f/c) bikini with sandals. I wore a shirt and shorts over it as I walked to the sunny beach. Spotting Kesha who was taking pictures of herself. "Hey Kesha." I stated "Hey brat." She said doing a pose with her lips all out. I rolled my eyes walking past her. See what happens if you try being nice to your enemy?! I tapped my feet waiting for the others to here. They move like sloths if you ask me.

"We're here!" I heard a voice announce I turned to the guys walking towards me. Luckily there are monsters in the world, so no one can be terrified of (favorite sans) and the others. (Well had to do that one way or another.)

PJ had a nose bleed for no reason at all which made me panic like heck. "Holy fudge are you okay?!" I asked rushing over to him. "Yep, totally fine." He said with a thumbs up.

After awhile we started playing in the sand barring ourselves or more like me barring them. "Hey wanna find some shells?" (Fav sans) asked. I nodded walking with him. We kinda found a lot of shell, pretty ones at that. "Here have this one, the prettiest one of." (Fav sans) said "Oh thank you, I love it." I said with a closed eye smile. I walked over and put it in my bag. I then ran into the water splashing a few people by accident. The water was cold yet beautiful in its own way.

No one's POV (short)

Everyone finally excepted that (fav sans) would have you. They couldn't stop it all they had to do was let faith decide for them. It's either (fav sans) or one of them. It had to be one of them at the end of the day.

(Y/n)'s POV

After everyone playing in the water, we decide to get some ice cream. I happily licked my ice cream as everyone talked about their own thing. This was perfect day to get my mind off of that crazy day or should I say crazy months. I looked at the time. I had about half an hour left to get ready for work Miss Shankler was so kind to give me a few hours to relax. (I guess I can't add a problem with the boss at her work. ÒwÓ) I stood up. "Sorry guys, I have to get ready for work." I said before leaving.

Time. Skip ·-·

"I got this, hold up Maya." I said picking up a platter that had a girl's food on it. "Here you go m'lady." I said cheerfully putter her food down. "O-oh thank you and... Can I take a picture with you?" She asked shyly, Awww. After she got her picture, I left to get other people's orders. "Hey miss (l/n), Miss Shankler needs your help." The assistant many said with a monotonous look. "Okay in a minute." I said the platter down.

I walked to Miss Shankler's office. I opened the door to see her sitting on her desk. I closed the door behind. "Hello Miss Shankler,  what do you need help with?" I asked. As soon as I said that, I notice ears and a tale sticking out. "Well I was hoping you could help me. I've seen you with a magic book in your basket and I was hoping you could get ride of my heat." She answered stepping back and sitting in her seat. Looking down as she fidgeted. What the flip is heat?! "Uh, Miss, what's heat?" I asked. "Eh?!" Miss Shankler said in shock. "Well... It's..." She paused before looking at me. Her eyes changed. "Can I show you?" She asked. "You know what, how about I just go and get that book." I said leaving the office. I probably don't want to know what heat is.

After getting the book and curing Miss Shankler's heat, it was time for me to leave. I got dressed into my clothes and left. Br then came up to me. "Hey we need your help, It's urgent." He pleaded as I got worried. I nodded as we walked to the cave in the woods. "Okay what going on guys?" I asked. "You need to choose." Fresh said making me curious. "Choose?" I asked tilting my head. "You have to choose one of us to love." PJ said, I blushed, Choose my lover? Now?! But it's so hard to choose. I love them all and I don't want to break their hearts. It just wouldn't be right. I looked at them all. They had pleading eyes, begging to pick one of them. I mentally had a break down as my brain went scrambled. I close my eyes and took a deep breath. "Look... I love you all. I don't want to hurt you guys by choosing another and there is nother you can say to change my mind." I said trembling. I didn't want them to get made at me. I close my eyes, tearing up. Wow my dumb tale is really crying, huh? I then felt something caress my cheeks making me slowly look t them. "... We respect your decision. We won't argue about this, We all love you no matter what." PJ said kissing my cheeks. Soon we all had a bear hug. This great, I didn't break anyone's heart today. I couldn't have it either way.

(Yeah the end!} Error- Booooo, that really sucked} Fell- Dude you're such an a***} T.b- Thanks Fell and what did I say about cussing? Anyways I hoped you liked my book. Till next time, Pz out!)

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