Chapter 2: Fresh?

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(y/n) POV

     As we walked a bush started to shuffle. We both looked at it with curiosity in our eyes. A wolf with glasses came out and growled at us. A wave of fear washed over me as we both stepped back. "Let's just slowly step back and-" before I could finish, the wolf run towards us barking. We both yelled and ran for our lives. We had almost made it to the house, til the wolf pounced and started biting me. " Aaaaaaahh ! Jammy!" I cried trying to get out of the animals grasp. "Mommy help!" Jammy yelled as he pulled  my arms. Ink came out with a shock expression caring an axe. He suddenly ran towards us yelling,"Get Away From My Babies!" The wolf then jumped off me and left. My hood was torn and clothes were dirty and even more torn. "Oh my. Let's take you home." Ink said picking me up and carrying me.

      Ink and Jammy explained everything to my mom. Ink even made me a spear hood. After that, they left. "(Y/n) dear can you promise me something?" Mom asked getting me ready for bed. "Of course." I said cheerfully as she tucked me in. "Promise me you'll always smile even when I'm gone." She said kissing my cheek. "I will mom." I replied getting suspicious. Why would she tell me that? I asked mentally as mom turned the lights off and closed the door. I then let myself drift off to sleep.

      I then slowly woke up hearing soft snoring. I opened my eyes to see that wolf that attacked me on the edge of my bed. I was curious. He could of finished me off in my sleep, but instead it sneaks in my room and sleeps? I slowly approached it and touched him. The wolf jolted up and looked at me. I quickly stepped back being cautious. The wolf then jumped off the bed and started changing. He looked like a wolf skeleton. And his glasses said woof. I opened my mouth to try and say something. But,"Uuuuuuum..." Is all that came out. The now transformed wolf walked towards me til we were two inches apart. My face heated up at how close he was. SO CLOSE! I mentally screamed. "M-m-m-mr. Wolf. Your too close." I stuttered. I looked at his glasses again. It read name then flashed to Fresh. "So your name is fresh?" I asked. The wolf now named fresh scooted back and nodded in a yes response. "Okay Fresh. I'm (y/n) (l/n)." I whispered. Fresh licked my face and laid down on my bed. I then got back in bed as fresh watched me. Going to sleep, I could feel fresh cuddling me and pulling me close.

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