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Ok disclaimer, I wrote this from the ages of 12-13. I am now just about to turn 19. TW for awful spelling and grammar throughout. Dont bother commenting to correct me; I log onto this account about once every 2 years. Read at your own risk and enjoy.

"Dan! Are you ready?"

Phil's soft voice rang through our flat, sending a shiver down my spine

"Yeah, I'm coming!"

I rushed to the mirror and took one more look at myself before scrambling down the stairs where Phil was waiting

I gasped

He looked beautiful.

"You look great!" We said in unison

A smile spread across my lips.

"Come on, we don't want to be late for the party" I exclaimed suddenly, trying to rid the fluttering feeling from my stomach.

When we arrived, I felt my chest grow tight. What if everybody had come to the party as couples? Phil and I were just friends an-

Before I had time to contemplate any further, I was being dragged into a room of loud music and bright lights.

" Hey Dan, I'm gonna go talk to Chris. You'll be okay won't you?"

Phil spoke loudly so the be heard over the music, but I still heard the worry in his voice

I chuckled and gave him a nod before removing myself from the dance floor and to the side lines of the room, waiting awkwardly for him to return.

I watched all the couples dancing happily in the center of the room and I felt an ache in my heart.

Why didn't I have somebody to love me? Probably because the only person I really wanted would never be mine

"Hey" A whispy voice echoed through my ear, making me jump.

"Oops, didn't mean to startle you"

I knew that voice.


I sighed, Carrie and I had a drunken kiss and she was still clinging onto the hope that it meant something.

Little did she know I had my heart set on a certain Philip Lester.

Carrie shuffled closer so her breath tickled my neck and her lips brushed against my ears.

"Hmm, this party seems a bit dead, wanna spice things up a little?"

I was about to reply with a firm 'no' when I caught a certain dark haired male watching us from the shadows.

"Fuck off" I growled into Carries curly caramel hair, roughly pushing her away.

"Phil! Phil, wait up!"

He didn't turn around so I followed the shadowy figure outside where it stopped on the pavement.

" Dan, just go. Get back to Carrie"

He spat her name like poison but I could still make a small wobble in Phil's voice

"Phil" I whispered, touching the boys arm, gaining a flinch in reply. "Phil, I don't like her, she just jumped on me an- "

Phil turned to face me, his glittering eyes imobollising my speech.

Stepping forwards, he stared at me for a moment before saying

"Who then?"


"Who do you like?"

Phil came closer still, making my heart pound

"Because I have a good guess and i'm pretty sure he likes you a lot too"

"I..Phil, I.." The words got stuck in my throat, choking me.

I didn't get a chance to even make an attempt at forming a sentence as Phil closed the gap between us by attatching our lips.

After a minute or so of passionate kissing, I pulled away for air, resting our foreheads together, fringes brushing against each other.

"Its you" I gasped into the cold night air, my breath coming up as white smoke in the sky, as if all the things i'd been Keeping secret for years were finally escaping.

"I know" Phil murmured, pecking my lips, full of affection.

A pair of warm, pale hands interlocked with my cold tanned ones.

"Do you love me Phil?" I had no idea what I was saying. The pure happiness of this whole situation was lifting me higher than any real drug. I was addicted to love

"Maybe" a voice replied, making me heart miss a beat.

"Tease" I mumbled into Phils lips, before re-attatching them.

Because love lifts you higher than any drug can and I guess you could say I was addicted to love.

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