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Please read a/n at. The end :)

I flopped back on my bed and sighed.

Why did everything always end with dan and I fighting? We were supposed to be a couple for goodness sake.

Maybe he was getting fed up of me.

Yeah that's sounds about right, I was the only reason we hadn't made our relationship public. Because i'm such a coward.

Its not that I dont love dan because I do, alot. I'm just scared

I always thought I was bi but since I met Dan, any last interest I had in girls has gone.

The front door slams and I'm plummeted into loneliness.

Great, run away. And I thought I was the coward.

I need to fix this but I don't know how. I realise I've been nibbling the skin around my fingers and stop as metallic blood fills my mouth. Grabbing my guitar, I strum a few cords and my fingers are instantly tamed.

That's it. I'd write Dan a song.


'D-dan?' I call out feebly into the dark. I get no response and Dan slams his bedroom door leaving me with many questions.

Where had he been all night for starters.

I pad back into my room and return my pencil to it's original position in my hands, scribbling down lyrics and strumming strings every few minutes.

After around an hour, my piece is finally beginning to take shape. I have the chorus sorted and now i'm working on the verses.

All I need now is a plan to get Dan alone with me.


I knock on the bathroom door furiously and put on a stern voice

'Daniel James Howell you absolutely cannot ignore me any longer. I demand that you let me in or i'll..i'll hide your straighteners.

I smile triumphantly as the lock clicks and the door swings open, revealing a shaking figure sat on the floor, slumped against the bath.

I don't need to say anything. This happens after every argument. I simply slip my arms around Dan's waits and pull him onto my lap, allowing him to soak my top with tears

'I'm such an idiot Phil. Why do you even like me?'

I sigh inwardly and squeeze Dan's frail figure

'I don't know really. Why don't you come with me and I can try and show you?'

Dan looks up at me and chews his lip, tears still streaking his cheeks.

I wipe them away with the hem of my shirt and take his hand, locking our fingers tightly.

It was working

'Where are we going philllll'

I shake my head with a giggle and pull dan along the path

'You'll see Danny, its worth it I promise'

The sound of birds chirping happily confirms that we have arrived and I stop, pulling out a scarf and wrapping it around dans eyes

'Ow phil what the fuck?'

Silently, I walk over to a big oak tree and reach inside to grab my guitar. Nobody else knew about this tree. I found it when I was little and it was hollow, the perfect hiding place. I also take out a small basket containing a picnic blanket and plenty of snacks. The picnic blanket is placed on the soft grass and I remove Dan's blind fold

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