My Favourite Lion

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bet you weren't expecting to see this story get updated were you
Before you star tplz read the text up here ^^^ i fyou're on the app
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If you're on a laptop

Also i dedicated this to my most loyal reader so yay ily

I smiled my widest grin as the next fan made her way towards us
She was wearing a danisnotonfire shirt with nerd glasses and cat whiskers
"Hiiiiii!' She squealed, literally tearing my ear drums to shreds
'Hi there! What's your name?' I asked politely, kindly accepting the hug she gave me
'I'm Tara' she replied, letting go of my torso and handing me a small book
'Would you mind signing this?' She asked with a small smile and I nodded
I wrote my signature ' :Dan ' and she grinned again
'Could I possibly get a picture too?' She looked so nervous but I just laughed
'Of course, i'll just fetch Phil'
I turned around and tapped Phil on the arm, making him mess up a signature on a poster
'Oops, sorry! A fan wants a photo, you coming'
Phil turned around and beamed, he loved to meet the fans
'Sure am!'
We both walked back over to Tara and she handed me her phone which had a whiskers case on
Me and Phil got in position, me holding the phone
'Oh' said the girl looking confused
'Can the photo just be with you please?' Tara asked, looking up at me with her bright green eyes.
Phil's mouth hung open slightly and I looked up at him guiltily
'Oh sure' he said with a slight wobble in his voice.
'Phil...' I began but his just looked at me and smiled, a slight scrunch forming in his nose
I took the picture hurriedly and I think it was a bit blurry but I didn't really care. She was a bitch
'Thank you so much Dan I love you!' She screached, suffocating me in another hug before waving and walking away.
Stupid girl
I turned around to find Phil and looked at him sadly. His face had fallen slightly and he was kind of just standing there
It wasn't fair! Phil worked so hard on his videos and he has done for so much longer than me
I walked over to him and leaned over to his ear
'Its okay Phil, you'll always be myfavourite lion'
I squeezed his arm gently and he smiled cutely
'I know, and you're worth an infinity of subscribers'

JjdjdkfkekdkshushI'mdoneleave bye

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