I didnt.

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"I'm sorry...I don't"

I have to leave. I can't hear him cry

Ripping my hands from Dan's sweaty clasp, I sprint out of the church however I'm not quick enough to escape the strangled crys of the abandoned groom.

Its not my fault he couldn't see past the lies. The lies I've been feeding him to keep him happy.

I've never been the best liar but I guess love can be blinding when it's so strong

Its a shame it was all one sided. Of course, It wasn't always this way.

Not until I met her. She saved me from a broken relationship yet I still let it drag on.

Her. I need her

I draw my phone from the inside pocket of my grey suit and shudder at the black shirt

Dan's choice

Scrolling through my contacts I find her.

She answers after one ring

"Phil? Phil what are you doing? You're supposed to be getting ma-"

I cut her off with a loud shush.

"I'm coming round. I need to see you."

Then I put the phone down and walked away, leaving a few broken hearts in my path.

She opened the door before I even knocked and I was greeted with the smell of flowers and milkshake

God I missed this. I knew it wasn't going to be simple but I could drag her in. Just like last time, I could draw her in with charm and then drop her like a hat when she stopped giving me what I craved. Just as I'd done with Dan. Except I wouldn't let it drag on as long.

"Phil, come in."

I shuddered at her raspy voice and stepped over the doorstep letting myself in to a very familiar environment.

"What was it you needed?"

I looked over at the girl sitting next to me with narrowed eyes

"You" I said and watched as she flinched

Slowly, she removed herself from the sofa and wiped her hands on her skirt

"I'll make a brew"

I followed her into the kitchen and stood, leaning against the work top.

After a long and slightly awkward silence, she spoke again.

"I can't hurt you, dan or him again Phil. Its not fair"

I laughed slightly but then straightened my mouth as she gave me a serious look. God, this was gonna be harder than I thought.

"C'mon, you don't love him. You're only dating because of that massive shitstorm. If it wasn't for your 'secret love' being revealed by that prat, you and him wouldnt even be a thing"

This time she turned around and faced me fully, her warm blue eyes suddenly turning cold. What did I say that for? Since being in a relationship with Dan, I seemed to be losing my charm.

"And what would you know about true love? You broke your relationship before it had even begun! Don't think you will be doing the same to mine"

A chuckle escaped my lips, I love a girl when she's angry.

Careful not to make any noise, I stood up and slowly walked over to where she was standing and silently, wrapped my arms around her tiny complexion, spooning her tiny figure from behind. She reminded me of a Disney princess, all flowers and rainbows and pristine dresses.

She leaned into me and sighed

"Phil, please. You know I want to but I can't. I can't hurt him again."

"But babe" I moaned dragging out the 'a' "What they don't know won't hurt them"

Suddenly she whipped around and placed her tiny hands on my cheeks, pulling our faces close.

"Mmm, you have to promise me something"

"Anything" I replied, stroking the back of her neck, smiling as I felt a shudder in return.

Finally, I was getting somewhere.

"This stays between u-"

And then we were kissing. It was better than any other kiss. Better than Dan's, better than Charlie's, the best,

Our lips fit together like they were made for each other, our hands moving in perfect sync.

I'd pulled her in, just like all those other times.

"Phillll" she moaned into my lips, kissing me harder

"I think we should take this upstairs.."


We both lay on her bed, breathing heavily and blushing.

She turned over to face me and my eyes scanned her face. Sea blue eyes that changed every time I saw them. Sometimes they were light but other tines they were dark. Plump lips that were slightly chapped but perfect anyway and a few freckles littering her nose.

We sat like this for a while, just basking in each others beauty until the beautiful girl in front of me finally spoke up

"I love you, Philip Lester"

My heart raced, did she really mean it. What about him?

It didn't matter, I'd be rid of her soon anyway.

She looked at me expectantly and O realized she must want me to say it back.

Why was this so hard? I'd said these three words so many times before and not meaned them, this was no different. She'd be gone next week and I could hopefully find somebody else. But until then:

"And I love you Zoë Sugg"
A/n - I hope you enjoyed that! Sorry for leaving such a cliffhanger yesterday, i don't like being mean xD
I want to say a huge thanks for so many reads! And votes and comments
It means a lot and I hope you will keep it up.
Until tomorrow my friends!
-Izzy x

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