Only one

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I know you're happy cos I can see It
Just tell the voice inside your head to believe it
Hello my only one
Just like the morning sun
God knows youre not perfect but you're not your mistakes

'Happy birthday dan!'

I looked around at all the grinning faces and felt a smile spread onto mine.

'Make a wish!' I heard then say as I knew out the candles.

I wanted to shake my head and pretend I thought it was silly but I had a big wish and I couldn't waste this opportunity.
I wish that me and Phil can be together forever

The others looked at me expectantly but of course I didn't say a word, mine and Phiks relationship was currently our little secret.

'Time for prezzies!' I heard Zoe squeak from the back of the room and we all gathered around the table in the dining room where an assortment of presents were layer, waiting to be opened.

I ripped wrapping paper left and right and have put polite thank you's until there was only one left. It was from Phil.

I looked up and saw the boy blush a deep crimson, bangs falling swiftly in front of his icy eyes and understood instantly.

'I think i'll open this one later! But dear it is getting Late and my parents will be over soon, sorry to have to get rid of you all so early' I pouted and threw a wink at Phil as all the guests collected their belongings. We exchanged a few semis awkward hugs and everybody was gone.

As soon as the final person had left, I ran up to Phil and pulled him into a tight hug

'Can I open it now?!' I squeaked excitedly, grinning as Phil chuckled at me.

Pulling away from our embrace, He went over to the table where a single parcel lay. I took it gently in my hands and stroked the llama printed paper.

'Come sit' Phil exclaimed, patting the empty space next to him on the sofa.

I did as I was told and set myself down, brushing my leg against his and gaining a small blush.

I tore the paper carefully, much slower than I had done with everybody else's gifts, and smiled at the things that were inside

A disc labelled 'for my beautiful bear xx'  and a book with the single word 'memories' written on it.

I looked over at Phil who was plugging in the CD player and got up to join him. He took my hand and pushed the disc into the mouth if the machine. A few whirring noises sounded and I took this as my chance to pull Phil closer.

The music started and I was surprised when Phil began to take my around the room in some form if ballroom dance

As I lay me down to sleep
I hear her speak to me
'Hello Mari, how ya doing?'
'I think the storm ran outta rain, the clouds are moving'
'I know you're happy, cos I can see it'
'Just tell the voice inside you're head to believe it'
'I talked to god about ya!'
'He siad he sent you an angel'
'Look at all that he gave you'
'You asked for one and you got two'
'You know I never left you'
'Cos every road that leads to heaven's right aside you!'
'So I can say..'
Hello my only one, just like the morning sun,
You'll keep on rising till the sky knows your name
Hello my only one, remember who you are!
No, you're not perfect but you're not your mistakes.
'Hey hey hey hey'
'Oh the good outweighs the bad even on your worst days'
Remember how I'd say 'hey hey one day'
'You'll be the man you always knew you could be'
And if you knew, how proud I was
You'd never have a fear, shed a tear, no you wouldn't do that!
And though I didn't pick the day to turn the page
I know its not the end every time I see her face
And I hear you say
Hello my only one, remwber who you are!
You got the world cos you got love in your hands!
And you're still my chosen one,
So can you understand, one day you'll understand.
Hear me out, Hear me out
I won't go, I won't go
No goodbyes no goodbyes
Just hello just hello
And when you cry I will cry
And when you smile I will smile!
And next time I look in your eyes we'll have wing ands we'll fly

The music stopped and I didn't even notice the big salty tears running down my cheeks until Phil kissed them away.

'Kanye west featuring Paul McCartney, only one' Phil said suddenly, before I had chance to even ask

I laughed at the thought if Paul being in one of Kanyes songs

'Wow! That McCartney 's gonna be big someday!' I managed to laugh through my tears and Phil pulled me in for a hug.

'What about the book?' I suddenly remembered the 'memories book'

Phil stood up and grabbed the tiny leather booklet from the spot I had left it in and opened it up

'You ready?'
Sorry this is shit I'm really busy and not in the best mood rn but there'll be a part two tomoz if u care ty bye
And I CBA to check this through so ignore mistakes

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