Love isnt real unless it burns

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So many comments

Too much to take

Cover the pain with a smile

But god knows its fake

The haven't seen me fall apart

They haven't seen me cry

They haven't seen me scream into a pillow

And the endless sleepless nights.


I couldn't take it anymore.

Why keep a love so strong a secret? You can't bottle up something when its fighting so hard to be set free. Its like shaking a bottle of soda, the lid flies of eventually.

"Dan. Dan we have to talk"

The man whom I was directing my speech to turned around and gave me a puzzled look

"Sure babe whatever you need."

I slumped down next to him and locked our fingers, like a padlock, just to make sure he didn't run away

Dan was good at that. Running away when things got too hard. I should know, I'd been abandoned many a time.

"Dan we have to tell them" I blurted after taking a shaky breath.

"Phil-" he began, a stern edge to his voice, but I wasn't going to let Dan cut me off this time.

"NO DAN, let me speak. I can't take this anymore! Okay? Everyday. ITS EVERY SINGLE DAY. That's all the comments are about on my videos. 'Phan'. If we tell them, it could just work! They'll stop Dan, I need them to stop."

I didn't realize that there were tears running down my face until a few trickled onto the sofa.

I waited expectantly for Dan to brush them away as usual, a soft touch on my hot cheeks, like ice to melt my troubles... but it didn't happen

"Phil. I can't. I'm not ready"

The anger I felt in my chest couldn't be controlled.

I stood up, dragging dan up with me and looked him straight in the eyes.

"Well until you are, I'm not prepared to be with you anymore."

And with that, I walked out of the door and slammed it behind me


I don't know where I'm going

I don't recognize this scene

The air is silent

Apart from the ring of a scream

Now my body is numb

As it hits the ground

The hum of an engine

The only sound

Headlights shining

Bright lights blinding

Pain unbearable

My smile now unwearable


*Dan's POV*

My phone rung.

I didn't answer

It was probably phil. It was always Phil. I wanted to make him happy but I wasn't ready for the whole world to know. Not yet.

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