Far Too Young To Die

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"So, you wanna hang around mine after school? My dad isn't in today"

I looked over at Phil and gave him a sad smile

"We don't have to, I don't want to get you into trouble"

Phil's dad didn't like our...well, what we had anyway.

It was hard to call it a relationship because we did kiss and cuddle but Phil always seemed a bit stiff. I didnt blame him though, it was his dads fault. He didn't approve

"I don't give a shit. The most he can do is hit me while my mum's around"

Phils language shocked me but the pain of that memory blocked it out. I'll never forget the day I walked into Phil's house and he was sat on the floor with a black eye and a broken heart.

We didn't say much more on the way to Phil's house. It was okay though, the silence was comfortable.wordlessly I put my hand inside the pocket of Phil's worn hoodie and found his hand



"D-do you love me?" I don't know where the question came from but I was just worried. I knew Phil wasn't one to show much public affection but lately, he seemed to be quiet as ever

"Dan? What type of question is that. You know I love you, more than my whole life. I'm really sorry that I've been quiet lately its just...I want to talk to my dad."

I stroked Phil's hand with my thumb and frowned

"Are you sure that's a good idea?"

"Yes Dan! He needs to know about our relationship. I don't care what he says anymore. I'm old enough to make my own decisions."

The word relationship made me smile, we had never really classified this thing we had going on but Phil was right, we were both 16. We could make our own decisions.

Without saying anything, I leaned over and pecked Phil's lips, giving his clammy hands another tight squeeze

"Let's do it then."
-phils pov-

My dad wasn't back yet so me and Dan just sat on my bed and cuddled

The love of my life had his skinny arms wrapped around my waist with one hand slowly stroking my stomach. I enjoyed being little spoon for once

To be honest, I hadn't a clue what I was going to say to my dad. I tried to act confident for Dans sake but inside I was dying. I knew he wouldn't understand.

I needed to think without Dan there, I couldn't worry him.

"I'm just gonna nip to the loo" I said trying to be convincingly cheery.

The boys arms slowly retreated from my waist and he placed a kiss on my cheek

"Don't be too long" he replied with a wink and my cheeks burned red.

In the bathroom I simply sat and thought about what I would say to him

Why couldn't he just accept me? His only son and I wasn't good enough.

I would never be ashamed of what I was but the words he spat at me always hurt.

I decided I would just go with my heart and if that wasn't good enough for my so called dad then fuck him.

Suddenly, the sound of keyboard music began to waft through the house and a smile lifted my lips. Dan always played the keyboard when he cane around to my house, though I don't know if he has any idea that I listen so intently.

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