Only one - Part 2

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Hello dear children
No I didn't die I just couldn't write any more. I had writers block and stress and yeah. I didn't want to write any bad quality stuff and publish it just because of the pressure
ANYWAYYY I am back and I'm so evil because I left you on a cliffhanger. It was so long ago so if u forgot what happened rewind a chapter and enjoy!
And woah when did I get 700 reads and 50 votes? Ily enjoy :)

'Yeah, I'm ready'

I looked up into phil's eyes and smiled as they twinkled.

I was so lucky to have him. He saved me from the darkness and that was something I could never repay him for. And now he'd given me the best birthday ever. I almost felt bad.

Suddenly, the sofa dipped as another weight was added.

Tanned and pale fingers intertwined.

His pale fingers stroked the leather binding with a hint of a shake.

'I hope you like it. Its just a bit cheesy an-'

I cut Phil off with a peck on the cheek and gave him hand a firm squeeze

'Phil c'mon the suspense is killing me'

My partner rolled his eyes but smiled and nodded

'Okay okay'

15th March 2010

Reads the top of the page,

Underneath is a small picture of me and phil, hugging with the blurry outline of the Manchester eye behind us. The eye is now gone but i'll always remember it.

It was where Phil and I had our first kiss.

Underneath is a caption
Me and my forever
15/3/12 ❤

Next to it is a slightly ruffled black and green feather


'Danny wait up!'
Phils light voice trills from behind and I slow down slightly and join our hands
'Philllll' I moan 'We need to get to Starbucks right now. I heard they have new drinks'
Phil laughs at my idiocity but let's his eyes fall to my hair
'What? Oh god I have hobbit hair don't I?'
Phil laughs, his cheekbones becoming even more portraied before ruffling my hair.
'If only. No you have a feather in your hair'
Soft fingers pluck the feather from my hair and we study it together closely.
'Its pretty' phil breathes, his mouth twitching into a side ways smile.
'Just like you'
Phil looks up at me with a frown spread across his face
'You what?'
Oh god no what was I saying!?
'N-nothing. Come on Starbucks needs us'
We join hands in a 'friendly manner' and make our way towards drink heaven

Bright eyes bore into the side of my head and i'm snapped out of my daze.

'Yo-you hate it don't you..'

'What Phil no! I love it. You did all this for me? You kept a scrapbook from the day we first met until today?'

My eyes begin to well up and he blushes.

'M-maybe...well uh yes'

I take Phil's head between my hands and look into his shining blue orbs

'I love you'

Then they kiss yay
I'm sorry this is like the most awful thing ever butttt
I am going to publish again tonight as
1) I feel bad for leaving you
2) I have an amazing idea
3) I have exciting news!
Eeek cya soon :)

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