33 | noah

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As it turns out, bridal showers are just as boring as they sound like they'd be

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As it turns out, bridal showers are just as boring as they sound like they'd be.

It's already a negative that guests are expected to dress formal, which means I end up in a suit. Then there's the fact that the whole thing is more a feminine gathering, which is only proven when I enter the café Mia and Thorne rented to find the place decorated all frilly, pink and white everything littering the place. On top of all this, kids are running around everywhere and the event is supposed to be family-friendly, which means I'll be frowned upon for being so bored I end up wasted.

Add to this having to be forced to see the ex-girlfiend I'm still hopelessly in love with on the arm of another guy, which makes for an overall pretty shitty experience.

I spot Blake the moment she walks in, and—for the first time ever—I consider her presence to be more of a curse than a blessing. This is because she's not alone, walking through the door with her arm draped through Dylan's.

She looks as beautiful as ever, despite everything. She looks stunning the white dress she wears. Her warm brown eyes stand out, the makeup she wears making the intricate details of her face all the more prominent. Yet it's her radiant smile that I find my gaze glued to, realizing with a devastating start that she's giving that smile of hers to another man.

I can hardly stand the sight of Blake laughing at something Dylan has said to her, watching him whisper in her ear. The smile he gives her indicates that they're speaking entirely of private matters, and Blake's cheeks flush with life as she returns the gesture with no hesitation whatsoever.

The scene is so painful to watch, I end up grabbing a glass of chardonnay from the pink satin clothed table in front of me, downing a large sip. Technically, I'm breaking my vow of sobriety, but in the moment I don't care. At least the bitter taste will take my edge off.

"Don't let it get to you, man."

I turn to find Thorne standing behind me, wearing an expression of understanding. His gaze flickers to where Blake and Dylan stand a few feet away from the doorframe.

"It's harder than it looks," I bite back with a bitter laugh. My gaze returns to Blake, which is all too painful. I suddenly seem interested in inflicting self-harm. Who am I kidding? I've always been entirely too good at hurting myself.

"I know it is," Thorne sympathizes. "Just try not to let it get to you, okay? If not for you, then think about how it will effect her. You don't want to ruin any change you might have with Blake in the future, do you?"

Thorne shoots me a pointed glance. I sigh as I set the glass of chardonnay back down, knowing he's right. I've always had a problem when it comes to drinking whilst upset, and I think both of us know where adding alcohol into the mix of this could end for me. More than likely, I'd cause a scene, and the last thing I want to do is lose Blake again.

I think back to all of the things she admitted to remembering about me a few days ago when I replaced her flat tires, recalling all of the good times we had and the memories we made. Staring down at the glass of chardonnay, I realize that potentially ruining that all over again isn't worth it.

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