The Arena

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Please excuse the fact that I can't draw lol

This is what the arena would look like, one large hill in the center with the cornucopia on the very top (highest point), surrounded by four mostly woodland islands, each representing a season.  Most of these islands have a lake somewhere on them, with summer island having a high cliff that leads down to a beach, and each of them have a small cornucopia in the center of them.  The circles around the letter "c" each mean either a line of trees, or the tribute pedestals.  Each of the extra cornucopias will have something that helps specifically with that island, with things such as fire starting kits and heat retaining sleeping bags in winter, a small first aid kid on fall island, where the most aggressive animals are and stuff like that.  The black lines are the little like "dock" things they are just bridges in between the islands.  That's about all o can say for now without giving away any plot points so yeah!

Much Love,

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