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Third Person

"How's Mirae?" The oldest of the group asked Yoshinori as soon as he got out of the poor girl's room. It's no secret that the rest of Treasure became close to Mirae. They treat her as part of them even though she is the daughter of their biggest enemy. An apple doesn't fall far from the tree, people say. But for them, Mirae is an exception. The girl has shown them nothing but kindness. Above all, she gave them what they all longed for – acceptance.

"She's still shaken up but she's now sleeping." Yoshinori replied. He couldn't hide the worry and concern in his voice. After all, he swore to protect the girl from all kinds of danger.

"Do you think it's her father?" Hyunsuk asked. They walked down the staircase and met up with the rest of the group in the living room. Yoshinori sighed before nodding his head.

"It's possible." He replied. "I mean he wants to use Mira—"

"No, I don't think it's that asshole." Junkyu cut Yoshinori off. This heightened the alertness of the boys. If it isn't their greatest enemy, then it's possible that they have a new enemy to watch out for. "I know he wants to take us down but this isn't how he moves. This is too petty, I mean, too childish if I may say. If he wanted to scare us off, he would go all out. This isn't it."

"If it's not Mirae noona's father, then who could it be? Who else knows about Mirae noona and her connection to us?" Jaehyuk asked.

"I honestly don't have any idea at this point. We need to dig into this further." Junkyu replied.

"I think it's possible that this is a personal vendetta against Mirae noona." Yedam suddenly said, making everyone look at him. "It's obvious. It's not an attack against us. It's an attack against her. The person who sent the box isn't using Mirae noona to scare us off, the box was sent to scare Mirae noona."

Yoshinori clenched his jaw. He knew that Yedam has a point but he couldn't think of anyone who wanted to hurt Mirae. After all, Mirae is a pure and innocent soul. She couldn't even hurt a fly.

"Who would want to hurt her? She's the sweetest. How can you hate someone like her?" Junghwan said what's on Yoshinori's mind.

"There must be someone out there who's jealous of Mirae noona. I mean, she's dating Yoshinori hyung. There are a lot of girls who got their hearts broken when they found out about it. Maybe someone decided to pull a little prank on Mirae noona." Haruto meant to say those words as a joke but the rest of Treasure didn't find the humor in it. Instead, they found it plausible.

"Damn, if that's the case then there is someone out there who is so obsessed with Yoshi hyung. Can't relate." Jeongwoo received a glare from Jihoon and Yoonbin. He immediately raise both of his hands in surrender.

"We need to find out who is doing this. This isn't a good prank. Besides, what are they thinking of? They're really playing games with a gang?" Mashiho said, smirking.

"Hyung, I don't think they knew that they are going up against a gang." Doyoung spoke nonchalantly. "If they did, then they wouldn't even think twice about sending that box to us."

"Shit, wait a minute." They got startled when Asahi cursed. "You mean to say, someone else knows about Yoshi hyung's address? How did they manage to send the box to this place then? We do not disclose our locations, remember?"

They all started to feel uneasy. All of them are exploring every possibilities as to the identity of the sender. They all know that they need to take them down before they could get them, or worse, before they could hurt Mirae.

"What do we do now?" Jaehyuk asked no one in particular.

"For now, we just have to wait." Jihoon sighed. "We really do not have any lead as of this moment since no details were seen on the box."

"Jihoon is right." Yoonbin chimed in. He was quiet the whole time but he felt like he needed to speak for once. "We wait for the sender to act again then we start from there."

"What if the sender wouldn't do this kind of prank again? They could do worse than this. We need to at least do something." The youngest of the bunch said frantically.

"Oh shit, I forgot about the cameras." Doyoung yelled, racing to where the control room is. The rest of them followed the boy.

Doyoung began typing in some passwords and clicking in some folders until a CCTV footage appeared on the screen. They all watched the video intently. It was then that they saw a figure appear. The person was carrying a box, presumably the box that was sent to them. The person was heavily disguised. There wasn't any clue that could give away their identity.

"That person is good at disguises, huh." Mashiho commented. "Even when we zoom in, we still can't figure out the identity."

"Are we gonna keep on waiting or we're gonna make our move now?" Yoshinori asked. As much as he wanted to put an end to this, he still needs to wait for his members' plans. Even if he is the ace, a lot of things can still go wrong and that is the last thing he would want to happen. Especially since this is about Mirae.

Mashiho looked at Junkyu who has been staring at the screen for a while now. "Junkyu hyung, what do we do now?"

Junkyu got startled for a moment. Jihoon and Hyunsuk both looked at him. They began to sense that there is something wrong with Junkyu. He's been out of it for days already. It seems like there is something bothering him.

"Can I just... I'll just head out for a moment." Junkyu hurriedly turned towards the door after picking up his jacket on the couch. "I need a breather."

The boys watch him walk out of the house. They let him go. They know that Junkyu needs some air. They are all aware of the sudden change in the boy. It wasn't something uncommon though. Junkyu would always have these moments. At first, they always get worried about him but they figured out that this is how he copes up with stress from all their activities. He would disappear for a day or two and then return after he has finally let go of the stress that is consuming him.


The boys went on with their usual day after agreeing to wait for the sender to make the next move. It seems like they didn't have to wait any longer after they heard the doorbell ring. They all got up with their guns on their waistband. The older boys went out to check if the sender is still somewhere near but there are no traces left except for a bouquet of white lilies neatly placed on the side of the gate.

Yoshinori carefully picked up the bouquet and scanned if there are notes on it. Surprisingly, he found one.

I love you, Yoshi. You're mine and mine alone.

"Hyunsuk hyung, Jihoon hyung, Yoshi hyung, Yoonbin hyung!" They heard Jeongwoo call out their names so they immediately ran back to the house.

"What?" Hyunsuk asked the younger boys.

"I think we might have found the sender." Doyoung said, his gaze fixed on the screen. He clicked a few buttons before the footage came into view.

They all watch a familiar face register into the frame. The sender revealed her identity. They watch the edge of her lips curve into a sinister smile, a smile they never seen from her.

They didn't expect it to be her.

"Tell Junkyu to come back. We need to start planning now." Jihoon instructed Yedam who immediately called Junkyu's phone.

"I didn't expect it to be her." Jihoon said.

"Who would've expected it?" Yoshinori clenched his fist.

"Who would've expected Mina to do this to Mirae?"

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