One - Final Training

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"Look out!"

A blinding flash lit up the arena. Hiccup dove to the side, narrowly avoiding the deadly nadder's spines. The shield almost fell from his sweaty palms as he cowered behind it.

"Hiccup! Yer supposed to attack the dragon, not avoid it! Follow Astrid's lead and get in there!" Gobbler yelled from the side.

Hiccup nodded, grimacing. The deadly nadder was focused on Fishlegs, with Astrid sneaking up behind it. Taking careful steps, he shuffled forwards. The nadder fired, hitting Fishlegs and setting him alight. Screaming, he sprinted for the water trough.

"Out! In the real games, the dragon would finish you off," Gobber stated, clearly disappointed.

Astrid charged, whacking her axe against the nadder's flank. It screeched, shooting spines. She rolled out the way, hiding in its blind spot. Spotting his chance, Hiccup crept closer, raising his shield above his head. Just a little closer-

"Ack!" Hiccup tripped, the shield clanging against the ground. The nadder spun, biting forwards. It prepared a blast and Hiccup panicked.

The nadder yelped, firing to the side. Astrid had lunged and hit the dragon on the head. Squawking, it backed away.

Hiccup tried to catch his breath, rubbing at his grazed palms. That was way too close.

Gobber had a grim expression on his face. "Hiccup, had Astrid not used you as a distraction, you probably wouldn't have made it. You have to stay alert."

Nodding, Hiccup lowered his head slightly. He was awful at this.

"As the Dragon Games are tomorrow, we'll have on final round. Everyone! Back into the training arena. We're releasing two dragons this time."

Snotlout cheered as the twins high fived, all having been bored from the 'easy' rounds. Not that Hiccup found them easy. In fact, he was quite certain he was going to die.

"Um Gobber," he muttered, shuffling towards him, "maybe this isn't a good idea."

"Nonsense!" Gobber bellowed, leaning over the metal fence. "Get back in there and remember what I taught you."

Hiccup sighed, picked up a shield and joining the other trainees. Fishlegs was the only other who looked vaguely nervous, mumbling about how the chances of survival were lower with each combination of dragons.

Gobber placed his hand on the leaver, about to open the dragon cages. "Remember, coordination is key. If these snarky lizards can work together then so can you!"

"Pff yeah right," Snotlout said, gesturing with his axe, "Hiccup here can hardly coordinate himself!"

Scowling, Gobber pulled down the leaver. The metal gears creaked.

I wonder how everyone would react if I managed to die before the Dragon Games even began.

Tightening his grip on the shield, Hiccup bit his lip.

The gates slammed open. A zippleback darted out as a changewing crept around the edges.

Hiccup gasped.

"Are you trying to kill us?!" Tuffnut yelled, rolling out of the way.

Gobber merely rolled his eyes.

Acid landed just beside Hiccup and he sprung into action. He ran to the edge of the arena, heart racing. He strained his eyes to spot the silver outline of the changewing.

Opposite him, the twins and Fishlegs were dodging the zippleback's attacks. Snotlout was blindly swinging his axe where the changewing had last spat acid.

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