Two - The Departure

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Tossing and turning, Hiccup tried to get comfortable. Even though he usually had no trouble sleeping, he couldn't settle. Not when the Dragon Games were starting.

Early morning light filtered in through the curtains. Groaning, Hiccup covered his eyes with his arm. On the roof, terrible terrors were screeching. Soon all of Berk would be up, and preparing, and leaving, and then the Dragon Games would begin-

Hiccup bolted upright. They were leaving today. The Dragon Games start today. The worst month of his life starts today. Assuming he survives that long.

Giving up, Hiccup pushed away the covers and got dressed. When he went downstairs, Stoick was already there. He had large bags under his eyes and was staring intently at the duck he was carving. Taking a breath, Hiccup walked in. Stoick looked up and dropped his knife.

There was an awkward silence.


Hiccup looked up, moving his arms from his sides, to his chest, to behind his back. "Hi- hi dad. I was wondering if there was any bread, or leftover meat, or erm. Something, uh, for breakfast?"

Another awkward silence.

"Yes, son. Here," Stoick pushed a bowl of stew across the table. There was a horrible scraping sound as Hiccup pulled a chair from under the table and sat down. Hiccup blinked twice, then got back up and took a spoon. When he sat back down again, Stoick was staring at him.

Hiccup coughed and Stoick looked away. After a moment, he picked up his knife and continued carving the duck. Every so often, he stopped carving and glanced up. Hiccup stirred the stew, loosing his appetite. The cold stew and tense atmosphere wasn't helping, but he knew that he would need his strength later today.


Hiccup pushed the stew away, despite having only taken a few spoonfulls. Stoick watched the motion and sighed.

"Son, you need to eat. Your need your strength for the Dragon Ga-"

Hiccup stood up. "I know! I know! The Dragon Games are today and I'm no where near ready!" All the pent up frustration was coming out as he yelled. "I barely get through the easiest training rounds! I can't- I won't be able to last a day! Let alone a week, or a month! I can't do this, Dad! I just can't."

Stoick made to speak but Hiccup was faster. "I'm not strong like Snotlout, or battle ready like Astrid! I'm not ready! And I never will be."

Standing, Stoick opened his mouth, but no words came out. Hiccup's fists clenched. The silence dragged on.

There was a rapping on the door. Gobber stuck his head in. Seeming to not notice the tense atmosphere, he spoke as normal. "Chief! Oh and Hiccup," he nodded at both, "Alvin's ship is just off the coast. They should be here shortly! Oh, isn't it exciting? I've already told the others, so we're just waiting on you two."

Without a word, Hiccup left the house and followed Gobber. Stoick walked a couple passes behind.

In the distance, grey clouds covered the sky. Fitting, Hiccup mused, unimpressed. A storm is going to be soo helpful. Can't wait to be struck by lightning. Or maybe even a skrill will turn up, knowing my luck.

The walk to the docks was long, but to Hiccup it felt unbearably short. On the beach, Astrid, Fishlegs, Snotlout and the twins were waiting. Alvin's boat was docking.

"Oh look who decided to turn up," Snotlout jeered, crossing his arms. "What happened? You needed a lie in for your beauty sleep?"

Ruffnut snickered. "Not that you look any better."

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