chapter 15 / Haki

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I got up with the rising sun today.
Lou had always been in charge of my training plan and pretty much daily routine and now that I had no alibi as to why I couldn't follow that plan she had been drilling me with an iron fist.
Although I always complained about her harshness I could feel that my body was rejoicing over returning to a regular sleeping pattern and routine.

At least I'm not her only victim now.
I grinned at the memory of watching Ace being put through the most recent torturous fitness regiment. The daggers he had stared at Lou where glorious.

As harsh as her methods might've seemed they where unquestionably effective.
Lou was always talking about how annoying it was that she constantly had to develop new training plans for Ace as he was improving at an incredible rate. However although Ace's talent and will played a mayor role in his development Lou's iron training was what truly made it possible.

Smiling I took a deep breath and prepared myself for another exhausting yet fulfilling day. I was excited. Now that I had a training companion, workouts where much more fun and today was the first day where I could train Ace too.

He was finally of good enough health and fitness to teach him some advanced fighting skills that he was obviously lacking. I had promised myself that I would make sure to pound them into him so that something like Marineford would never happen again.
You thought Lou's training is hell? Hah, I'm sorry mystery boy but I am about to show you what true hellish training looks like.

Ace's POV

Something's off.
I stared at Y/N from the other end of the breakfast table.

Something is really off.
The sweet and mischievous doctor I had gotten to know over the past months was currently skipping through the room humming while she was mixing together some kind of smoothie.

What is that girl up to?
Seeing Y/N in a good mood wasn't something unusual. She could often be seen smiling and humming. But never had I seen her this happy. She had practically floated through morning exercise all the while grinning like an idiot.

Did I forget something? Is anything special planned for today?
I dug through my brain for any clue why Y/N was literally performing a happy dance through the dining room when it seemed to be a day like any other, however I couldn't find any reason behind the madness.
She better not be planning any tricks on me.

Y/N and I had found out that we shared a love for pranks and had soon gotten wrapped up in a prank war. However we mostly acted as partners in crime against Lou, who got back at us during training.
We are prank pals. She wouldn't cheat on me like that.
Then again now that I thought about it Y/N And Lou had talked for quite the long time after yesterday's training.
I swear Voice if you teamed up with that fairy I will never forgive you.
I gave her a suspicious look.
"Hey, Voice! Did anything good happen?"

"Huh? Oh, mystery boy, didn't I tell you?"

"Tell me what?" My eyes had now gone narrow in a suspicious glare.

"I will be training you today."

Oh, that's it? Wait Y/N will be training me? This is going to be heaven. A day of training outside of the frightening fairy's reign.
"Really? That's awesome I can't wait."
I was hyped.

"Yeah, we're going to have a blast!" Y/N grinned at me and I returned the gesture.
Hell yeah, we are! This is going to be fun!

It wasn't.
If I had thought that Lou's training was torture Y/N's training was hell. She was almost on par with old man Garp and he was basically a walking monster.

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