chapter 21 / don't anger an elf

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Ace's POV

"Fire Fist Ace?!? That's impossible he died three years ago!"

Hearing them use my former pirate name I halted my attack and instead studied the pirates surrounding me.
Do I know them? Nah, I'm pretty sure I've never met these guys before. They don't seem that strong. I could take them out in an instant if I still had the Mera Mera no Mi.
Well, it's a nice opportunity to test out Y/N and Lou's training.
I dropped my fighting stance fully and bowed introducing myself.
"Man, I haven't heard that name in a while, feels nostalgic.
It's nice to meet you. My name is Portgas D Ace and who might you be?"

"He's so polite!"

"What a gentleman."

"It's nice to meet you too. We're the smog pirates."

"Why are you guys talking to him?! He is obviously a enemy!"
Lazily I turned towards the voice that had just spoken. That must be the captain.
He definitely seems a lot stronger than the other small fry.
I smirked. This is going to be fun. I haven't been able to go all out in ages.

"We're sorry captain! It's just, he seemed so nice."

"What was that!?"

"We're sorry captain!"

"Now what do we do when unwanted guest's steal our food?"

"We make sure it's the last thing they do!"

In a matter of seconds the atmosphere changed and the friendly and naive bunch surrounding me turned to emit a strong aura of bloodthirst. Maybe they aren't all pushovers after all. Grinning I returned to my fighting stance.

"Then what are you waiting for? Attack!!!"



Nervously I stood on deck of the Luz as it soar through the sky. It had been about one and a half hours since I had last heard from Ace and Lou and I had been racing home at top speed ever since.
I'm sure they're doing fine. They're strong.
I reassured myself for the thousandth time.
I had been moving as fast as possible, reducing my travel time even more than expected.
I should be there any minute now.
Once again I tried to call Ace and Lou but still noone picked up.

"I swear those guys! Why aren't they picking up the phone!"
Just as I was about to throw the poor baby transponder snail against a wall the Luz dove into a sea of clouds.
Finally! The white sea. I'm home.

Five minutes later the Luz resurfaced in Sirens harbour.
No one's here. Well, I figured as much.
My steps echoed loudly through the endless tunnels as I rushed to the surveillance room.
It was empty.
Idiots, they really went out to fight them?

I activated my Haki of observation and immediately sensed a disturbance around the southern coast.
"Show me the southern coast," I commanded the surveillance transponder snail nearest to me and it began broadcasting with an annoyed  huff.

"What the-"
Horrified I observed the scene broadcasted onto the white screen.
The once beautiful southern cost had turned into a dead wasteland. Large craters filled the space where once lively greenery stood and dust aswell as something that seemed like yellow smog wafted through the air.
No-. Our home. Who did this? Where are they? I am going to kill th-"
Another crater appeared destroying more of my beloved island.
"Zoom in on the newest crater!" I commanded the surveillance transponder snail that was frozen in fear of my sudden outburst of anger.
I gave it a death glare and it immediately zoomed in to reveal a tall man with sickly yellow hair that seemed to emitt the smog polluting the air all around. He had a Roman nose, foul teeth and a grotesquely soft voice that was taunting his opponent.

I didn't even register whom he was fighting. All I could concentrate on was this disgusting man and the sickening smog that was suffocating my beautiful home.
*Crash* another crater was created by the fierce combat before me and I watched in horror as more of my beloved forest crumbled into dust.
"Stop it your destroying my home!"
I screamed, feeling the last of my composure slip away. Then I let the rage consume me.


Lou's POV

You can do this pirate boy!
I cheered on Ace as I fought off the crew members crazy enough to interfere in the fight between my student and their captain.
Pha, that guy doesn't stand a chance he's fighting against mine and Y/N's fruitful training after all.
However the wrinkle of worry that had nudged itself into my face wouldn't disappear.
Ace's fight with the captain had been going on for over half an hour now and neither seemed to be about to capitulate.
Come on pirate boy. I believe in you.

Ace had grown incredibly strong over the past year however his opponent wasn't weak either and obviously had years of fighting experience. And to top that of he was a devil fruit user. Ace had pretty much lost all his strength from before the war and had to start by zero when he woke up from his coma.
This would be an incredibly difficult fight for him.

I wish I could help him.
Frustrated I punched a pirate that had come too close for comfort. I had promised Ace that I wouldn't interfere with his fight and I understood why he wanted to do this alone. But still I couldn't help but worry.
I hope you know what your doing Ace.

Then suddenly a wave of Haki swept through the island closely followed by a strong aura of bloodthirst.
Sh*t, why is she here? I thought we had another half hour.

I looked over towards Ace and captain Smog.
They had both halted their fight and where looking towards the Volcano, the direction where the wave of Haki had come from.
Captain Smogs eyes gleamed with fear and curiousity as he felt the strong presence that had just joined us on the island.
For a second he wavered seemingly pondering about what to do, then he turned to shout commands at his crew.

"Men! Return to the ship! Carry the ones that just fainted! We have to get out of here!"

"You think I'm going to let that happen? No way pal, you are not running away from our fight!"

In a second Ace had cut of the captain's path and re-engaged him into fierce combat.
I smirked watching the smog pirates hesitantly retreating, not wanting to leave their captain behind.
"You can try to run all you want. It's too late now anyways. Nothing can stop her when she gets like this. Well except me. But I don't know if I want to."

The pirates gulped nervously at my words, but scrambled back to the boat when their captain begged them to do so once again.
He might not be that bad after all. At least he cares for his crew.
And they seem to be quite fond of him aswell.
I sweat dropped as I saw the smog pirate crew sobbing on deck of their ship, begging for their captain to come with them.
Great now I'll feel guilty if I let Y/N kill them. Oh well, I'll see what I can do.

"Hey Ace! I'll go greet our angry elf! You better have beaten him by the time I'm back!
Oh and you sobbing smallfries on the boat! Don't you dare move or else I will rip you to pieces myself!"
With that I sped towards the rapidly nearing aura of bloodthirst.


Author's note:

Geez the chapters are somehow getting longer and longer. And here I had planned for this fight to be a side story that would take no more than two chapters.
Well ups, I hope you are enjoying it anyways.
I can't wait to start with the next chapters! There is some juicy and fiery stuff coming up.
I hope to see you then, bye.

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