chapter 26 / drunk on you

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Finally it's over.
I was still dizzy from the emotions and scenes that had been forced into my mind when finally everything went black.
I began to regain my absolute consciousness as I let the cooling liquid around me sooth my mind.
A smile spread across my face as my heart jumped in face of the lingering nostalgia.
Seeing Ace's memories reminded me of the vision that had brought us to where we were now.
Whilst having memories smacked into me by Lou wasn't my preferred way to get to know someone, I still couldn't help but feel happy from getting to understand him a little better.
Still I want to get to know him more. Through his own words...

Daydreaming I let my eyes drift along a bunch of colourful fish.
I was still in a daze from having to use so much mental power.
The realization of my situation only hit me when the force of a freezingly cold current suddenly ripped me out of my thoughts.
Wait why are there currents here??? I'm in the ocean? Where is Ace???

Anxious I looked around. I could feel Ace's presence somewhere nearby.
For how long have we been under water? Oh, I hope he hasn't drowned!
Immediately I sped towards the young man's presence, nearly crying out when I finally saw him.
Ace was slowly sinking into the ocean's abyss. There were no longer any bubbles escaping from his open mouth and I couldn't see any sign of consciousness in his blank expression.
In no more than two seconds I reached his side and placed a helmet like bubble of oxygen on his head. (Mermaids / fishmen can create such bubbles and none merfolk can breathe with them on. It's like coating for living beings).

To my relief Ace's body began to convulse in a rage of coughs as soon as he had access to oxygen. It would have been impossible to find a place where I could perform resuscitation before he would drown.
Just thinking about the possible outcomes of our situation made me shudder.
I will absolutely kill Lou when we get back. That idiot really crossed the line this time.

Worried I looked down at the limp man in my arms. He was still unconscious.
Well I guess it's no wonder that he is still out cold, considering that he is probably facing my 364 years of memories.

Lou's powers had a very versatile way of usage. Pretty much anything connected to the power of the past could be utilized by her in one way or another.
Memory lane was one of Lou's 'special' abilities. It gave her the power to view another person's past or in our case let two people see each others past. All she needed was direct contact. However the average brain is not able to process the accumulation of information that was held by the others memories. At least not in a short amount of time. Therefore the people Lou showed someone's past to would tend to black out. How long it took until they regained consciousness depended solely on their mental strength. Some never woke up.

"You better work that brain of yours mystery boy. I'm not about to wait decades for you to wake up."

To my surprise Ace seemed to react to my words, humming and wrapping his arms around me.
What the- I swear you never seize to amaze me.

Smiling I shifted the tall man's weight to my back. Processing all of those memories had actually managed to exhaust me quite a bit.
I had to get us on land before I would loose the strength to carry Ace. And so I sped off through the endless ocean.


3rd Person POV

"Haaaaa, what a nice day. The beach is the most gorgeous when the sun is about to rise. Don't you think so Bunny?"


"Right! I knew you'd understand."

In the early hours on the shore of an unsuspecting island in the east blue two strange figures could be observed, walking along the barely lit beaches.
The girl seemed to be about twelve years old. Her pink pigtails looked as if she had been electrocuted and her chunky shoes stood out in stark contrast to her thin figure, that was covered by no more than a shapeless dress that could easily be mistaken for rags.
Next to her walked a fluffy little Norfolk Terrier (a dog), skipping alongside his owner and answering with a bark whenever she bombarded him with questions.
The girl seemed overly joyous, her body language expressing happiness in such an exaggerated manner that it came off as creepy.
They were truly a strange sight.

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