chapter 18 / attack

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Ace's POV

It's been three days since Y/N has gone to attend to her family business and so far I have survived. Hanging around with Lou isn't actually that bad. It's like Y/N had told me.

"Lou might seem hard and boring on the outside, but she can be the most fun and sweet person if you get to know her."

I would have never thought that that fairy had a sense of humour. But here I was having aching muscles from laughing all of yesterday.
Today however the fairy had locked herself away in the library and I was once again left alone to entertain myself. Lou had really done her best to keep me busy the past few days and I could say that she had succeeded. I hadn't thought about the elves at all. Although my thoughts did travel to Y/N from time to time I had pretty much forgotten about what Lou had told me about her family relations.

To keep myself busy I had spent the day training and hunting in the forest however the boredom still set in. Lost in my thoughts I twirled my fingers around my necklace. Y/N had given it to me for my birthday. It looked just like my previous one that had been ripped apart in the war. It was a silent reminder of the past and current connection I had to the outside world.
Time sure flies by here.
It had been a year since I had awoken from my coma and started my training. I currently sat in my favourite spot, the crown of the tallest tree on the island. It was the only spot from where I could always see the blue sea.
I missed them. My brother, my crew, Pops...
A tear ran down my cheek that I angrily wiped away. It had been three years since the war and still the wounds and loss felt as raw as ever.
I wonder when I will see them again.
I have become stronger. Maybe it's time for me to go.
Sighing I let myself fall back against the tree trunk and looked up to the sky.
"Hey tell me Ace of the future. If I go now is it the right decision?"
I had wondered when I should leave for a while now. Maybe next month? Maybe in half a year? But then as soon as I closed my eyes a picture of the funny and sweet elf materialised in my mind.
I wonder what she's up to. Lou is great but I really miss her.
Startled by my thoughts I sat up straight. If I missed that woman after a mere few days what would happen if I left now? I wouldn't see her in years or maybe ever again.
No way. I don't want that. We're friends.
I gritted my teeth repulsed by the thought that I might loose my new companion. Letting my gaze drift back out to sea, I felt that the blue sea was not quite as appealing anymore.
Guess I'll stay a little longer. After all I still have to get a lot stronger and Y/N hasn't taught my that secret technique yet.
The blinding white waves swept gently across the sea, their steady rythm making me grow sleepy.
My conscious was just about to drift off when something strange caught my eye.
Then I saw it.

"Lou! Lou, come quick!"
I raced through the woods back to the kitchen where Lou was just plating our lunch.

"Goodness, Ace. What happened?"

Clasping the doorframe I gasped for air reporting what I had seen.
"A ship. There is a ship on our white sea. It's headed towards our island."

The fairy paled at my words letting go of the spoon she had been holding in her hand. It crashed through the ground letting an eerie sound echo through the room.
Then she jumped into action. Never had I seen Lou with such determination on her face.

"Follow me Ace!" Lou soored out of the room, the house and landed in the beautiful garden surrounding it. As soon as I had left the building she lifted her arms, beginning to glow.


My mouth fell open as I saw what happened next. Slowly but surely the entire residence unbuild it self and the thick forests of the island spread over the space the huge complex of living and research facilities had once stood.

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