chapter 25 / memory lane

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Ace's POV

What the hell? Where am I? What happened?
Confused I squinted my eyes, letting them adjust to sudden brightness of the room.
I could hear children giggling and shouting, their countless footsteps resonating from all around me.
Finally my vision became clearer and I looked around. I was standing in a courtyard of some sort. About twenty kids were running around and playing, splashing each other with water from a paddling pool that had been set up in the middle of the courtyard.

"Hey, hey Y/N Come play in the water with me!"

Did that kid just say Y/N? Where is she?
I turned around scanning my surroundings for the sweet and bubbly elf that had been standing in the infermery with me mere seconds ago. Maybe she knows what happened?
Confused my eyes scanned the people in the courtyard. Y/N was nowhere to be seen.

"Come on it will be really fun."

"I'm sorry but I can't go near the water. Mama will be super mad if she finds out."

Wait that voice...
My searching eyes froze on two kids standing in the far right corner of the courtyard and my jaw dropped.
That can't be is that... Y/N's little sister?!?
Before me stood a little girl with shockingly familiar features. That h/c hair, those deep e/c eyes I would recognize them anywhere.
Wow Y/N's sister sure is young. Or is she? How fast do elves age when they're young?
Oh well, I've got more important stuff to handle right now. I'll just go ask her if she knows where Y/N is. I could swear that the brat next to her said Y/N's name a few seconds ago. They have to know something.

Slowly i made my way across the courtyard. come noone is noticing my presence? Eh- whatever.
"Hey kids I heard you talk about someone named Y/N. Could you tell me where she is?"
I started to speak as soon as I reached the two children but was interrupted by the little boy, talking to the kid that looked like a mini version of Y/N.

"You know what Y/N I don't want to play with you anymore. You are boring!"(sticks out his tongue)

Immediately my words got stuck in my throat. Y/N? Wait this kid is Y/N? To think that that proud women has turned into a little kid. Pff I will have a great time teasing her about this...
My thoughts trailed of as I looked at the little girl who was still standing before me. She hadn't moved a muscle since the boy had left, standing there left alone in the corner, her head tilted downwards and her hands clenched into fists. She looked sad.
"Hey are you all right?"
I reached down to give her a hug and promptly stumbled back in shock. My hands just passed through her.
What the hell?!? Why can't I touch her??? Have I died? Am I a ghost???

"Shhh, careful otherwise she'll hear us coming."

My panicked thoughts were broken by the sound of hushed voices behind my back. I tilted my head slightly observing from the corner of my eye how the kid from before aswell as a few others were sneaking up on Y/N, clutching water balloons in their hands.

"Look out!"
I shouted but she couldn't hear me. I stood powerless as a dozen water balloons hit the young Y/N, soaking her from head to toe.

"No, how could you!"
Y/N screamed crouching down and covering herself with her coat as far as she could manage. She was trembling, panicking and staring at the boys with angry eyes.

"Hey look Y/N has something weird in her face!"

Worried I scanned the young girls face. She was trying to hide it with her hair, however (f/c) specs of colour shone through it.
Wait are those...
I moved closer to take a better look.
A beautiful pattern of (f/c) scales was climbing up from her neck reaching towards her cheekbones.

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