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Marinette swam above the surface of the water and took in a deep breath of the fresh air. She swam to the shore and sat down on the soft sand. The moon smiled down at the mermaid and the stars twinkled in happiness.

The mermaid turned her head to see her jellyfish friend hiding behind a rock. Marinette pushed herself into the water and sat down in the shallow water.
"Tikki," said Marinette with a laugh. "What are you doing here?"
"There's a siren," whispered Tikki.

Marinette's heart dropped. Her fingers began trembling. If there was a siren nearby, then that meant Adrien was under her/his spell. Most likely her spell.

"Where?" whispered Marinette, panicking.
"Over there." She glanced at the boulder laying still in the water and sensed the siren's presence.
"How could I be so ignorant?" hissed Marinette under her breath. She swam over to the boulder and crossed her arms.

"Whoever you are, show yourself! The princess of the Vampire Seas commands you!" demanded the mermaid. A chuckle came from behind the boulder when a siren came from her hiding place and swam in front of Marinette's view. The siren had long brown hair with a tail similar to the mermaid she had met in the Pixie Realm Seas. She had an orange tail which faded into a white tip at the bottom.
"My princess. Isn't it against the rules to be up here?" asked the siren with a grin.
"Not for me. I can do so this once," snapped Marinette. "What have you done to Chat Noir?"
"Oh, Adrien. My love is simply following his heart and choosing to be with me," scoffed the siren.
"What's your name?"
"Lila Rossi," said Lila, flipping her hair behind her. Marinette rolled her eyes.
"I will save Adrien," hissed Marinette.
"I'd like to see you try. I'm in love with him and my spell had made him in love with me," said Lila with a shrug.
"I will always try. I won't rest until I finish what I promised to him," said Marinette, shaking her head. She couldn't give up on Chat Noir. Not when they were starting to get along. Not when she was developing feelings towards him.

Adrien came running to the beach and saw the two women.
"How about we put our voices to the test? If I win, he's mine and you stay away from him. If you win, I'll back off," challenged Lila.
"But mermaids only use their voice for good!" protested Marinette. Lila scoffed.
"Okay. Put it this way. I am using my voice to make him mine. You are using your voice to save him," groaned Lila.

Marinette swam a few metres away from the siren as Lila began singing.

"Superman will never save you.
Spider-Man will never catch you.
The flash will never run to you.
Like I would, when I was with you."

Adrien began stumbling towards Lila but then stopped in his tracks when Marinette began singing.

"You know you've reaped what you have sown.
You know you're the reason you're alone.
You said I was your superhero."

Adrien shook his head and the blank look was filled with emotion again. He looked at Marinette and let a tear fall.
"M-Marinette. What's going on?" he asked. He began walking towards her until Lila sang again.

"But sometimes superheroes can not save everyone.

"Iron Man will never heal you.
The Hulk will never hold you.
Another woman will never love you.
Like I did."

Marinette interrupted her by quickly singing. She glanced and saw Adrien walking towards her again.

"Like I still do.

"You know you've reaped what you have sown.
You know you're the reason you're alone.
You said I was your superhero."

Adrien smiled at the mermaid as he stood only a few feet away from her. Lila scowled and glared as she sang again.

"But sometimes superheroes cannot save everyone!"

He began to walk towards her again when Marinette started to sing again.

"I had to let go.
And watch you fall.
And I could've saved you.
But you didn't want me to."

Adrien shook his head and began to feel dizzy.
"I feel like I'm being tugged at like a rag doll," he said with a sigh. "A game of tug of war with magic. Please hurry up and somebody win."

Lila hissed at the princess before singing.

"So I let you go.
And I watched you fall.
And I could've saved you.
But you didn't want me to."

Marinette cut her off by singing.

"So I let you go.
And I watched you fall.
And I could've saved you.
But you didn't want me to.

"You know you've reaped what you have sown.
You know you're the reason you're alone.
You said I was your superhero.
But sometimes superheroes cannot save everyone."

Adrien stood before the mermaid with a happy smile.
"No!" wailed Lila. "I love you Adrien. And I will not stop until you're mine." Lila swam away as Marinette enveloped her friend in a hug.

She saw the dark fog surround them as Adrien became Chat Noir.
"Hello princess," he said. Marinette smiled in the hug as they remained like that for a few seconds. He kissed her forehead before they began talking.

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