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It was their night alone. Marinette admitted, she found Chloe's friend, Luka, cute... but she liked Adrien. Those feelings were real.

She was sitting on the beach, her head resting on the vampire's shoulder.
"What's life like at home Adrien?" she asked.
"Well... I don't see my father much. Only when he wants to go 'hunting," he answered. "I see Natalie a lot though."
"Who's Natalie?"
"Natalie is my father's personal assistant," answered Adrien, stroking Marinette's hair.
"So she's a vampire?"
"No... she's a human."
"Your father keeps a human in the same house without eating them?" cried Marinette. "Does he know?"
"He does. But him and Natalie are really close. They started off as slave and master but he slowly grew fond of her," he responded.
"Wow," she said with a sigh of happiness.
"Yeah. I think she is developing feelings for my father," he said with a sad smile.
"Is that okay with you? If she were to pursue a relationship," she asked.
"Of course! It would make me ecstatic!" he cried.
"So what's wrong?" she asked, sitting up and looking at him with sad eyes.
"My father loves my mother still. He'd never go out with anyone other than her," he explained.
"Shouldn't you be happy that your parents could be back together though?" asked Marinette.

He took a deep breath in and let the cool air brush against him.
"Adrien doesn't want to answer. He wants me to," said the vampire as he opened his eyes to reveal them to be all green.
"Chaton," she mumbled. The vampire smiled.
"Been a long time princess," he said with a smile.
"You could've come out. I missed you," she whispered sadly.
"I am always out. I am Adrien now. We see what the other sees," said Chat Noir with a smile as he cupped her cheek. She smiled before he let go and let out a sigh. "He's not happy because his mother is dead."
"What? I had no idea," she said with a gasp.
"No... no one does. She died in the Great War," he said with a shaky voice.
"The Great War? You mean the war between the realms?" cried Marinette. Chat Noir nodded in response. "I am so sorry kitty. I know that she was your mother as well as Adrien's. And now that you are one person, you have Adrien's memories of her. I didn't realise."
"It's not your fault bugaboo. Don't ever blame yourself for my sadness," he said with a soft smile before placing a kiss on her cheek.

His eyes faded back to the green they are when he is Adrien. Tears were falling from his eyes as his lips trembled. Marinette wrapped her arms around him and pulled him into a loving embrace to let his tears loose.
"No one should ever keep in their sadness. Not even vampires. So let it all out and I'll say nothing until your finished," she whispered.

They remained like that for a few minutes before the vampire ran out of tears.
"Thank you Princess," he said with a smile. "I needed that."
"Anything for you Adrien. You know I would do anything for you," she said. The jellyfish and the bat arrived and sat near their friends.

Plagg landed on Adrien's shoulder and sat looking at the jellyfish. The jellyfish bobbed about in the shallow water, staring at the couple.

"How did the War between the realms end?" asked Marinette.
"I was only thirty four at the time. Still a baby so I don't remember much. All I know is that a powerful god ended the war by splitting the realms. The god destroyed every item that could take you to another realm except for the mermaids and sirens. They wiped the humans' memories of our realms and they locked themselves in the sky, making it so that no one could reach them," explained Adrien.
"Do you know anything else about it?" she asked.
"A little bit. There were stories from Natalie. She said...

"Let me tell you about the Great War, Adrien. The one your mother died in to protect you. The god was supposedly the creator of the universe. No one knows wha gender they are. There are rumours going around that their name is Miraculous. The god can create these charms to give people a fraction of its power. For example, the ladybug charm... it can create anything. And the fox charm can create illusions.

"Adrien, this war was deadly. It was time when all of the realms were connected, but they were so big that there were these items to take you anywhere in the realms. Because if you travelled by foot, it would take you days... maybe weeks. I was lucky to go on a trip with your mother. She insisted I come with her to the werewolf realm. It was incredible. I do miss travelling with the mistress. But she fought with honour.

"The war began when the leaders of the realms began to disagree with each other. The started forming alliances. The humans were enemies to everyone, so it seems. Then, the god was born. No one knows how, but the god separated the realms. No one has ever seen them."

"Wow," said Marinette with a gasp. "How old were you when she began telling you that story?"
"I was seventy three. In... human and merfolk years, I was seven and a half. I always asked her to tell it to me every night... up until the moment my father asked her to stop when I was one hundred and two," he responded.
"We need to find Miraculous," declared Marinette.
"Princess, it's just rumours. And even if they were alive, what makes you think they still are?" scoffed Adrien.
"They have to be!"
"Why are we going there?"
"Because... because..."
"Marinette.. what aren't you telling me?" asked Adrien sternly.
"Someone found Alya and I using sorcery with Master Fu. We are to be..."
"Nothing would happen to you. Your father promised," said Adrien, interrupting her.
"He tried to stop them," she whimpered. "But he can't."
"Who's them?" asked Adrien.
"The Rossi family. They're sirens. I am to be executed with Alya. And my parents can't stop them because the kingdom is backing them up for once. I broke the rules... I must pay the price," she explained with a whimper.
"The Rossi family?"

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