Chapter 1

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Killer's P.O.V

I was sitting in a garden secretly killing any bug, frog, or bird I could find. I missed every one, don't get me wrong Color was a great friend but I was bored out of my mind. "Oh there you are Killer" I heard Color from behind me, I hid my knife in my jacket and turned around

"What's up Color!" I fake a smile, "I was wondering if you could help me with watering sections of the garden since it's so huge" He smiled "Sure thing just give me a second!" I fake smile, and he turns and leaves. I hated this place so much I felt like crying but didn't I clenched my stomach and before I knew it I was crying though they were disgusted by the black goop constantly leaking out of my eye's. I wiped my eye's and walked off to Color.  

"You know what I'm glad your not a murderer anymore. "Color chuckled grabbing a watering can. "Yeah I guess, I do miss the thrill though" I sighed longingly, He stopped "Killer you know you can't go back there, right?" He looked me in the eye's the lights in his head flashing a mix of red and orange. I nodded and we continued watering flower's in a tense silence.

A few minutes after we were done, "Um I'm gonna head home." I smiled. "Alright" Color waved. I clenched the pocket where the knife was hidden I slowly felt each pointed edge. I wondered if there was a way too escape maybe I could trick Color. Before I knew it, I was home when I opened the door it was completely silent.

I flopped over onto my bed I reached into my jacket and slowly pulled out my knife. I had a faintly lingering scent of Nightmare I hugged the knife as my thought's slowly pieced together a plan. And soon enough I knew exactly how I would trick him.


In minecraft chat

Killer: Cross you online?

Cross: Always!

Killer: I'm going to the Star Sanses tomorrow bring the guy's.

Cross: Ohh so you can get with Nightmare~

Killer: Shut up or Imma fill your base with cow's!

Cross: No please!

Killer: Just make sure their there.

Cross: Can do.

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