Chapter 12

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Color's P.O.V

In a flash Nightmare was gone only Killer's puddle of blood remained, I ran over but of course nothing was there. I teleported back to Haventale my vision blurred with tear's I stumbled onto the cold snow   "Killer might be dying" I mumbled. Small tear's formed in my eye's and I didn't even realize they were falling, "I have to make sure he's alright." I thought making my way to the house that I used to share with Killer.

I....... caused...... this.........

Killer's P.O.V

It's been a few week's and my leg is healing well though I still have a small limp, I don't think Nightmare left my side the entire time I was healing. After enough time I could change my own bandage's but Nightmare still insisted on changing them for me.

Nightmare and I continued to sleep together, and a month later my leg was fully healed and so was my limp. I stretched sitting up on our shared bed, I crawled over to Nightmare silently asking for attention, he ignored me still on his phone. I crawled closer and onto his lap, he sighed and put his phone on the bed side drawer next the small Killer doll, that I decided to further examine later, and sighed.

{Slight sin beware also 3rd P.O.V}

He lightly bit down on Killer's neck making the smaller moan. Nightmare continued to bite different spot's on Killer's neck making him moan out, them leaving small hickey's on the smaller. Before they knew it both their shirt's were already off, Nightmare continued to work his way down causing Killer to moan loudly. 

Nightmare looked into Killer's eye's only to see pure lust, Nightmare slid a tentacle in-between Killer's thigh's. And continued thrusting in and out of his thigh's causing Killer to let out a long moan, Nightmare dropped his focus on the smaller's ribcage and onto his mouth. Nightmare used his tongue to feel around and explore his moist mouth he roughly made out with the goop leaking skeleton.

Killer readied himself for another thrust when the door opened, "Uhm boss have you se-" Cross looked up, and cut himself short. "Ohh you and Killer, yuck!" Cross groaned, he attempted to gag "Just get out" Nightmare blushed, taking blushing mess of a Killer off of him. Cross quickly shut the door now looking for a gallon of bleach too cleanse his mind.

"I'm gonna shower c'mon" Nighmare stood up, Killer joined still blushing, and so they showered together. Nightmare turned to his passive form so his goop didn't wash away Killer took note how he was slightly shorter in his passive form, Nightmare enjoyed seeing his small boyfriend wet and naked. 

~2 day's later~

Killer and Nightmare agreed that Killer would permanently sleep in Nightmare's room, so the small skeleton was in his old room packing his clothing a belongings to move them into the larger room across the hall. When there was a knock on his window, he flinched to see Color on the window seal. "What in the" Killer mumbled cautiously opened the window seal. "Kill's is your leg alright!?" He hugged the smaller skeleton, "Y-yeah I'm fine it healed a week ago." Killer attempted to get out of the hug.

"That's great, but we need to leave." He left the hug, "Color, I told you before I'm not leaving." I sighed, "Maybe they used some sort of spell" He mumbled attempting to grab Killer's hand, just then some one walked into the room "What's with all the noi-" Nightmare cut himself off. Then in a swift movement he already had Killer behind him and a sharp tentacle positioned on Color's neck. 

Killer walked out from behind Nightmare, "Color I've told you I'm not under any spell" Killer gave his best attempt to reason. "Wait then why did you want to stay in this hellhole?" He motioned to the mansion Nightmare growled in response, "This 'hellhole' his my home." Killer responded.

They continued to talk under Nightmare's heavy supervision till Color 100% understood, "Do you get it now" Killer concluded, "Yeah but why are you packing all your item's?" He pointed at all of Killer's clothing on the bed, "Uhhh" Killer looked from Nightmare to Color then back to Nightmare looking for help. Nightmare stepped forward and dipped Killer into a light kiss letting him go second's after leaving his hand loosely on Killer's waist, "Yeah I'm m-moving into his bedroom!" Killer blushed, "You, him, you and him!" Color exclaimed, "You know what I'm gonna go, I'll talk to you later Kill's!" He looked semi disgusted, then teleported away in a flash of magic. "I think we scared him off" the smaller chuckled, "Good" Nightmare put plainly. Nightmare looked at the clock on the wall it read '9:29'.

Nightmare's P.O.V

It was completely night time now and the small figure that's Killer was snuggled into my chest asleep. I notice something in his hand, I slowly remove it to see the small Killer doll, I blushed. "How did I get so lucky with an idiot like you" I mumble, I lost him once and the was something I never wanted to experience that feeling of loneliness and then the emptiness that came with it, I had him in my grasp and I knew I would never let him go again.

I sighed lightly, good night my queen.....


A/N: That's the end! I think this was one of my better writing stories! 

Thank you for staying with me this long!

And finally this was probably one of my favorites!

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