Chapter 4

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Dream's P.O.V

We finally arrived in Underfell, to be met with the smell of burning. "Ink, there's something wrong." I froze "Yeah no kidding everything's burning down" He exclaimed "No like I'm sensing strong positive emotions. "Do you think they're from the bad guy sanses?" Blue questioned, "Well most of them, but the strongest are coming form Nightmare" I gasped. "Oh what could make the king of negative emotions happy" Ink chuckled sarcastically."Well I'm gonna find out." I smiled determined.  

Nightmare's P.O.V

I smiled, a little dizzy a monster gasped from behind me and I instantly whipped around and impaled them with a tentacle. I continued to torture people, at one point catching Red flip me off and teleport away which didn't bother me. I smirked at how soft and warm Killer's lip's were. 

"Ohh someone's got a crush!" Lust teased from behind. "Bad choice" I smiled psychotically, he scrambles away and hisses at me from behind Horror. I sigh as everyone start's heading toward the middle of Snowdin. "This place is totaled" Dust chuckled. "Yeah it's time to head back" I roll my eye's. "Brother I need to talk to you" Dream say's coming up behind me in a stiff voice. "What is it" I sigh opening a portal and we step through.

"You're emotions are very weird almost like you're in love" He puzzles, "Well I'm not so can I go now" I blush. "Brother you're blushing!" He squealed looking at the blush gathering on my cheeks, "Oh my gosh you're in love" He jumped up and down. "You have to tell me who!" He continued I stayed silent but the blush on my cheeks grew brighter. "Is it Kill-" I had enough I stepped back through the portal.

"Umm where's Dream" Cross raised his hand. "He, was occupied" I mumble. "Sure" Dust chuckles. The a portal then re-opens and Dream comes through. "I still wanna talk to you brother!" He say's flashing a cheeky smile. I sigh "Come on we're going home" I sigh rubbing my temple's and teleporting all the Bad Guy's to the mansion. 

Dream's P.O.V

The bad guy's had just left, "Ok I know this sound's weird, but I think Nightmare's in love!" I exclaim. "Wait are you serious" Blue smiled, and Ink started jumping in the air. "It has to be Killer!" I squeaked. "We can ask Cross, he's the closest to the two" Ink nodded. 

_-Tem Skip-_

I was laying in my bed when I pulled my phone out, 

Dream: Um Crossy?

Cross: Yeah Dream?

Dream: Can I, come over?

Cross: Of course!

I stood up and in a flash of yellow light and teleported into Cross's room, to see him already sitting down on his bed. I sat next to him, "Hey Crossy." I smile putting my head on his shoulder. "What's up Dream?" He blushes rapidly, "You know how you're the closest to Killer and Nightmare" I hummed. "Yes" He prompted me on, "Do you think it's possible that Nightmare like's Killer." I blushed a little, "I know they like each other Killer tell's me about it all the time!" He chuckled, "I was right!" I jumped up, I gave him a quick peck on the lips. "Thank you Crossy!" I quickly smiled before teleporting away once more.

Cross's P.O.V

Oh my star's Dream just kissed me, this is the best day of my life! I fumbled my phone from out of my pocket and started dialing.



Epic: Sup brah?


Epic: Bruh you sure you didn't eat any tide pod's?

Cross: Of course not dude!

Cross: Dude you there?


*Portal opens above Cross*

Cross: Did you open a portal above me?


*Over 100 condom's fall out of the portal*





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