Chapter 7

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Nightmare's P.O.V

We called the Star Sans's since they had the strongest healing magic. And they've been in there for a few hour's and now it's nearly sunset and everyone's getting nervous. The door to Killer's room slide's open, and I'm the first one up. "It look's like he's just exhausted." Dream smiled, "He just need rest and lot's of food" Ink chimed in "He might be asleep for a while though."

I breathed a sigh of relief knowing that he'd be alright, like a large weight was being lifted of my chest. I stayed in his room the whole time, watching over him. I set my right hand over my one eye. "Kill's please wake up" I mumbled

My head instantly raised when I heard a groan, "Ki-Kills" I stood up. He stared at me as if he didn't believe I was really here he studied every feature, shot up and hugged me. I hugged back and sat down onto the bed, he started crying "B-boss I was s-so alone" He sobbed into my jacket. I hushed him while rubbing small circle's on him back. "I'm here, and I'll make sure you never have to go back there again" I continued these motions and soothing word's until his sobbing diminished into small hiccups. 

After a bit of conversing "You still need to eat." I said my face riddled with concern, I helped him to his feet, almost the second we made our way to the kitchen Killer was tackled to the floor by Cross. "I thought you were dead!" He burst into tear's then laughed. "Umm what?" Killer blinked. After a few more exchanges we finally sat down to eat. The conversation was lively and fun. It really made me think how much we all needed Killer. It's the moment's like these I never want to end.

~Tem skip~

Dinner was over and everyone headed off to their own sections of the mansion, I walked Killer back to his room. Before I could say good night he hugged me, after a second I reciprocated the hug. I walked away leaving him with a kiss on the forehead. 

Later that night I didn't fall asleep till an hour later, with a groan I reached over to my nightstand and picked up the small Killer doll. A minute later I drifted off into a light sleep. As I held the small Error made doll blush dusted my cheeks.

Killer's P.O.V

It was late into the night but I wasn't asleep yet. I heaved myself from my comfortable bed. and waddled down the hall, to Nightmare's room. I opened the door and shuffled to the side the large bed Nightmare was sleeping on. "Ca-can I sleep with you?" I mumbled. I heard a small groan from Nightmare which I took as a yes. I laid down and Nightmare turned over to wrap a single arm around my hip to pull me closer. I felt his warmth and and my eye's dropped I blushed and my pinpricks slowly drifted closed.

(Sorry it's shorter I'm just a little busy with school.)

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